Nuclear Regulatory Commission March 4, 2016 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 6 of 6
SHINE Medical Technologies, Inc.; SHINE Medical Isotope Facility
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is providing notice of the issuance of Construction Permit CPMIF-001 to SHINE Medical Technologies, Inc. (SHINE) and record of decision, located in Janesville, Wisconsin.
Department of the Air Force; Hill Air Force Base, Utah
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering an amendment to Master Materials License 42-23539-01AF, Docket No. 030- 28641, issued to the Department of the Air Force (the licensee). This amendment will allow the licensee to decommission a former magnesium- thorium alloy disposal trench at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, in accordance with instructions provided in an NRC-approved decommissioning plan. The NRC conducted an environmental impact assessment in support of this licensing action. Based on the results of this assessment, the NRC concluded that a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is appropriate.
Duke Energy Progress; Combined License Application for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plants Units 2 and 3
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing an exemption in response to an August 12, 2015, letter from Duke Energy Progress (DEP), which requested an exemption from certain regulatory requirements that requires DEP to submit an update to the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) included in their combined license (COL) application by December 31, 2015. The NRC staff reviewed this request and determined that it is appropriate to grant the exemption, but stipulated that the update to the FSAR must be submitted prior to, or coincident with the resumption of the COL application review or by December 31, 2016, whichever comes first.
Duke Energy Progress; Combined License Applications for Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant Units 2 and 3
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing an exemption in response to an August 12, 2015, letter from Duke Energy Progress (DEP). On May 2, 2013, DEP requested that the NRC suspend review of its combined license (COL) application until further notice. On August 12, 2015, DEP requested an exemption from certain regulatory requirements which, if granted, would allow them to revise their COL application in order to address enhancements to the Emergency Preparedness (EP) rules by December 31, 2016, rather than by December 31, 2013, as the regulations currently require. The NRC staff reviewed this request and determined that it is appropriate to grant the exemption to the EP update requirements until December 31, 2016, but stipulated that the updates to the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) must be submitted prior to requesting the NRC resume its review of the COL application, or by December 31, 2016, whichever comes first.
Exelon Generation Company, LLC; Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 1, 2 and 3; Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering issuance of an exemption to Exelon Generation Company, LLC (hereafter, EGC or the applicant). EGC is the general licensee operating the Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS) Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) located in Morris, Illinois. Specifically, EGC seeks authorization to load and store one DNPS Unit 1 thoria rod canister containing 18 DNPS Unit 1 thoria rods in a Holtec International, Inc., multi-purpose canister (MPC)-68M. Thoria rods are not approved for storage in the MPC-68M per Certificate of Compliance (CoC) No. 1014, Amendment 8, Rev. 1 \1\ Appendix B, ``Approved Contents and Design Features.'' EGC plans to load and store Holtec HI-STORM 100 spent fuel casks utilizing Amendment 8, Rev. 1 to CoC No. 1014 in the 2016 DNPS spent fuel loading campaign (SFLC).
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