Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2012 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 301 - 350 of 598
Fuel Oil Systems for Emergency Power Supplies
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is issuing for public comment draft regulatory guide (DG), DG-1282, ``Fuel Oil Systems for Emergency Power Supplies.'' This guide describes a method that the NRC staff considers acceptable for use in complying with the Commission's requirements regarding fuel oil systems for safety-related emergency diesel generators and oil-fueled gas turbine generators, including assurance of adequate fuel oil quality.
Receipts-Based, Small Business Size Standard
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is proposing to amend the size standard that it uses to qualify an NRC licensee as a ``small entity'' under the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended. The NRC is proposing to increase its receipts-based, small business size standard from $6.5 million to $7 million to conform to the standard set by the Small Business Administration (SBA). This size standard reflects the most commonly used SBA size standard for nonmanufacturing industries. The SBA adjusted this standard on July 18, 2008 (73 FR 41237), to account for inflation.
Receipts-Based, Small Business Size Standard
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is amending the size standard that it uses to qualify an NRC licensee as a ``small entity'' under the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended. The NRC is increasing its receipts-based, small business size standard from $6.5 million to $7 million to conform to the standard set by the Small Business Administration (SBA). This size standard reflects the most commonly used SBA size standard for nonmanufacturing industries. The SBA adjusted this standard on July 18, 2008 (73 FR 41237), to account for inflation.
Non-Power Reactor License Renewal
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is making available a preliminary draft regulatory basis for a proposed rulemaking that would amend the NRC's regulations concerning the license renewal requirements for non-power reactors. This contemplated rulemaking would also make conforming changes to address technical issues in existing non-power reactor regulations. The NRC is seeking input from the public, licensees, certificate holders, and other stakeholders on the preliminary draft regulatory basis.
An Approach for Probabilistic Risk Assessment in Risk-Informed Decisions on Plant-Specific Changes to the Licensing Basis
On May 17, 2012 (77 FR 29391), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) issued for public comment four (4) draft regulatory guides (DGs), DG-1285, ``An Approach for Probabilistic Risk Assessment in Risk-Informed Decisions on Plant-Specific Changes to the Licensing Basis,'' (proposed Revision 3 of Regulatory Guide [RG] 1.174); DG-1286, ``An Approach for Plant-Specific, Risk-Informed Decisionmaking: Inservice Testing,'' (proposed Revision 1 of RG 1.175); DG 1287, ``An Approach for Plant-Specific, Risk-Informed Decisionmaking: Technical Specifications'' (proposed Revision 2 of RG 1.177); and DG-1288, ``An Approach for Plant-Specific Risk-Informed Decisionmaking for Inservice Inspection of Piping'' (proposed Revision 2 of RG 1.178) in the Federal Register for a 30 day public comment period. The NRC is extending the public comment period for these DGs from June 29, 2012 to August 13, 2012. These guides describe methods the NRC staff considers acceptable for plant-specific, risk-informed decisionmaking on specific licensee activities.
Design, Inspection, and Testing Criteria for Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Normal Atmosphere Cleanup Systems in Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is issuing for public comment draft regulatory guide (DG), DG-1280, ``Design, Inspection, and Testing Criteria for Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Normal Atmosphere Cleanup Systems in Light-Water- Cooled Nuclear Power Plants.'' This guide describes a method for design, inspection, and testing of normal atmosphere cleanup systems for controlling releases of airborne radioactive materials to the environment during normal operations, including anticipated operational occurrences. This guide applies to all types of nuclear power plants that use water as the primary means of cooling.
Electrical Cable Test Results and Analysis During Fire Exposure
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is making the proposed draft, NUREG-2128, ``Electrical Cable Test Results and Analysis during Fire Exposure (ELECTRA-FIRE), A Consolidation of the Three Major Fire-Induced Circuit and Cable Failure Experiments Performed between 2001 and 2011,'' available for public comment.
Access Authorization Fees
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is confirming the effective date of June 22, 2012, for the direct final rule that it published in the Federal Register on May 3, 2012. The direct final rule amended the NRC's access authorization fees charged to licensees for work performed under the Material Access Authorization Program (MAAP) and the Information Access Authority Program (IAAP).
NRC Form 5, Occupational Dose Record for a Monitoring Period
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is seeking public comment on the proposed draft NRC Form 5, ``Occupational Dose Record for a Monitoring Period.'' The current NRC Form 5 is being revised to align with current regulations. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35).
PPL Bell Bend, LLC; Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant Combined License Application; Notice of Intent To Conduct a Supplemental Scoping Process on the Revised Site Layout
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is seeking public comment for the supplemental scoping process for the Bell Bend combined license (COL) application review.
Initial Test Program of Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Boiling-Water Reactors
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is issuing for public comment draft regulatory guide (DG), DG-1277, ``Initial Test Program of Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Boiling- Water Reactors.'' This guide describes methods that the NRC staff considers acceptable to implement with regard to initial testing features of emergency core cooling systems (ECCSs) for boiling-water reactors (BWRs).
Regulatory Guide 7.3, Procedures for Picking Up and Receiving Packages of Radioactive Material
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or Commission) is withdrawing Regulatory Guide (RG) 7.3, ``Procedures for Picking Up and Receiving Packages of Radioactive Material.'' The guide is being withdrawn because it is obsolete and new guidance has been included in Revision 1 of RG 7.7, ``Administrative Guide for Verifying Compliance with Packaging Requirements for Shipment and Receipt of Radioactive Material'' which was issued in March 2012 and announced in the Federal Register (77 FR 18871; March 28, 2012).
Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery for Fiscal Year 2012
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is amending the licensing, inspection, and annual fees charged to its applicants and licensees. The amendments are necessary to implement the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (OBRA-90), as amended, which requires the NRC to recover through fees approximately 90 percent of its budget authority in fiscal year (FY) 2012, not including amounts appropriated for Waste Incidental to Reprocessing (WIR) and amounts appropriated for generic homeland security activities. Based on the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012, signed by President Obama on December 23, 2011, the NRC's required fee recovery amount for the FY 2012 budget is $1,038.1 million. After accounting for billing adjustments, the total amount to be billed as fees to licensees is $901 million.
Final Alternative Soils Standards for the Uravan, CO, Uranium Mill
This document announces that on May 18, 2012, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) made a determination required by Section 274o of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), for Agreement State proposed alternative standards for 11e.(2) byproduct material. The Commission has determined that the State of Colorado's proposed alternative soils standards will achieve a level of stabilization and containment of the sites concerned. It will also provide a level of protection for public health, safety, and the environment from radiological and nonradiological hazards associated with such sites equivalent to or more stringent than the level that would be achieved by existing standards and requirements, to the extent practicable. Existing standards include those adopted and enforced by the Commission for the same purpose and any final standards promulgated by the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in accordance with Section 275 of the Act. This document completes the notice and public hearing process required in Section 274o of the Act for proposed State alternative soil standards.
License Renewal Application for Seabrook Station, Unit 1 ; NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC
On May 25, 2010, NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC (NextEra), submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) an application for renewal of Facility Operating License NPF-86 for an additional 20 years of operation at Seabrook Station, Unit 1 (Seabrook). The current operating license for Seabrook expires on March 15, 2030. The purpose of this document is to inform the public that the NRC will be preparing a supplement to the draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to address information related to severe accident mitigation alternatives (SAMA) analysis in accordance with the NRC's regulations.
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station; Record of Decision and Issuance of Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-35 for an Additional 20-Year Period
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) has issued renewed facility operating license No. DPR-35 to Entergy Operations Inc. (the licensee), the operator of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS). Renewed facility operating license No. DPR-35 authorizes operation of PNPS by the licensee at reactor core power levels not in excess of 2,028 megawatts thermal in accordance with the provisions of the PNPS renewed license and its technical specifications. This also serves as the record of decision for the renewal of facility operating license No. DPR-35, consistent with the NRC's regulations.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for the Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has recently submitted to OMB for review the following proposal for the collection of information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35). The NRC hereby informs potential respondents that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and that a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The NRC published a Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period on this information collection on February 9, 2012 (77 FR 6827). 1. Type of submission, new, revision, or extension: Extension. 2. The title of the information collection: NRC Form 7, ``Application for NRC Export or Import License, Amendment, Renewal or Consent Request(s).'' 3. Current OMB approval number: 3150-0027. 4. The form number if applicable: NRC Form 7. 5. How often the collection is required: On occasion; for each separate export, import, amendment, and renewal license or consent request. 6. Who will be required or asked to report: Any person in the U.S. who wishes to export or import (a) nuclear material and equipment or byproduct material subject to the requirements of a specific license; (b) amend a license; (c) renew a license, and (d) for requests for consent to export Category 1 quantities of byproduct material. 7. An estimate of the number of annual responses: 120. 8. The estimated number of annual respondents: 120. 9. An estimate of the total number of hours needed annually to complete the requirement or request: 288. 10. Abstract: Persons in the U.S. wishing to export or import nuclear material or equipment, or byproduct material requiring a specific authorization, amend or renew a license, or wishing to request consent to export Category 1 quantities of byproduct material must file an NRC Form 7 application. The NRC Form 7 application will be reviewed by the NRC and by the Executive Branch, and if applicable statutory, regulatory, and policy considerations are satisfied, the NRC will issue an export, import, amendment, renewal license or notice of consent. The public may examine and have copied for a fee, publicly available documents, including the final supporting statement, at the NRC's Public Document Room, Room O-1F21, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852. OMB clearance requests are available at the NRC's Web site: comment/omb/. The document will be available on the NRC home page site for 60 days after the signature date of this notice. Comments and questions should be directed to the OMB reviewer listed below by July 12, 2012. Comments received after this date will be considered if it is practical to do so, but assurance of consideration cannot be given to comments received after this date. Chad Whiteman, Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (3150-0027), NEOB-10202, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503. Comments can also be emailed to or submitted by telephone at 202-395-4718. The NRC Clearance Officer is Tremaine Donnell, 301-415-6258.
Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging and Encapsulation
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is soliciting public comments on a revised draft Revision 1 of its Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging and Encapsulation (CA BTP). An earlier draft was completed in August 2011 and made available to the public in September 2011 (ADAMS Accession No. ML112061191). The NRC staff held a workshop in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on October 20, 2011, to receive public comments. This revised draft addresses the stakeholder comments received at the workshop, and others received after the workshop. After receiving and addressing public comments on this revised draft, the staff will finalize the CA BTP to replace the 1995 version now in effect.
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