National Endowment for the Humanities November 24, 2021 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Claims Collection
Document Number: 2021-23742
Type: Rule
Date: 2021-11-24
Agency: National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities, National Endowment for the Humanities
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is revising its Claims Collection regulation in accordance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 (DCIA), as implemented by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Treasury (Treasury) in the revised Federal Claims Collection Standards (FCCS). This final rule revises NEH's rules and procedures for administrative collection, offset, compromise, suspension, and termination of collection activity for civil claims for money, funds, or property. Additionally, this final rule revises the rules and procedures that NEH follows to refer civil claims to Treasury, Treasury-designated debt collection centers, or DOJ so that Treasury or DOJ may collect the civil claim through further administrative action or litigation, as applicable.
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