Library of Congress February 1, 2023 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Music Modernization Act Notices of License, Notices of Nonblanket Activity, Data Collection and Delivery Efforts, and Reports of Usage and Payment
Document Number: 2023-02118
Type: Rule
Date: 2023-02-01
Agency: Library of Congress, Agencies and Commissions
The U.S. Copyright Office is issuing a supplemental interim rule relating to certain reporting and payment requirements of digital music providers and related duties of the mechanical licensing collective under the Music Modernization Act. The amendment extends a previously adopted transition period pending further rulemaking by the Office regarding reports of adjustment. Based on the imminent expiration of the existing transition period and recent public comments requesting further proceedings on the subject of adjustments, the Office has determined that there is a legitimate need to make this amendment, effective immediately.
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