Federal Reserve System November 23, 2020 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
In accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), the OCC, the Board, and the FDIC (the agencies) may not conduct or sponsor, and the respondent is not required to respond to, an information collection unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. On July 22, 2020, the agencies, under the auspices of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), requested public comment for 60 days on a proposal to revise and extend the Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports) (FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051) and the Regulatory Capital Reporting for Institutions Subject to the Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework (FFIEC 101), which are currently approved collections of information. In the July 2020 notice, the Board, under the auspices of the FFIEC, also requested public comment for 60 days on a proposal to revise and extend the Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks (FFIEC 002) and the Report of Assets and Liabilities of a Non-U.S. Branch that is Managed or Controlled by a U.S. Branch or Agency of a Foreign (Non-U.S.) Bank (FFIEC 002S), which also are currently approved collections of information. The Board published this proposal on behalf of the agencies. Finally, on October 4, 2019, the agencies, under the auspices of the FFIEC, requested public comment for 60 days on proposed Call Report and FFIEC 101 revisions to implement the agencies' proposed total loss absorbing capacity (TLAC) investments rule for advanced approaches banking organizations. The comment period for the July 2020 notice ended on September 21, 2020. The comment period for the October 2019 notice ended on December 3, 2019, and the agencies subsequently adopted a TLAC investments final rule. As described in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section, after considering the comments received on the two notices, the agencies are proceeding with the proposed revisions to the reporting forms and instructions for the Call Reports, FFIEC 101, and FFIEC 002 with certain modifications. The SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section also discusses certain Call Report instructional clarifications. The agencies hereby give notice of their plan to submit to OMB a request to approve the revision and extension of these information collections, and again invite comment on the renewal.
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