Federal Labor Relations Authority July 16, 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Notice of Opportunity To Submit Amici Curiae Briefs in a Representation Proceeding Pending Before the Federal Labor Relations Authority
The Federal Labor Relations Authority (Authority) provides an opportunity for all interested persons to submit briefs as amicus curiae on an issue arising in a case pending before the Authority. The issue concerns the manner in which the Authority, in applying its decision in Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center, Port Hueneme, California, 50 FLRA 363 (1995) (Port Hueneme), determines whether an election is necessary to determine representation of an appropriate bargaining unit following an agency reorganization. In Department of the Army, U.S. Army Aviation Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, 56 FLRA 126 (2000) (AMCOM), the Authority applied Port Hueneme to conclude that a union that represents more than 70 percent of the employees in a newly combined unit formerly represented by two or more unions is sufficiently predominant to render an election unnecessary to determine representation of the newly combined unit. The Authority seeks amici briefs addressing whether, in making this determination, the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (the Statute) allows the Authority to combine employees exclusively represented by an affiliate of a parent labor organization with employees exclusively represented by the parent organization or another affiliate of the parent organization. Because this issue is likely to be of concern to agencies, labor organizations, and other interested persons, the Authority finds it appropriate to provide for the filing of amici briefs addressing the questions set forth below.
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