Federal Emergency Management Agency – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 2,401 - 2,450 of 9,396
Guam; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the territory of Guam (FEMA-4495-DR), dated March 27, 2020, and related determinations.
Mississippi; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-4538-DR), dated April 23, 2020, and related determinations.
Oregon; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Oregon (FEMA-4499-DR), dated March 28, 2020, and related determinations.
Michigan; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration
This notice amends the notice of an emergency declaration for the State of Michigan (FEMA-3525-EM), dated May 21, 2020, and related determinations.
Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations
Comments are requested on proposed flood hazard determinations, which may include additions or modifications of any Base Flood Elevation (BFE), base flood depth, Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundary or zone designation, or regulatory floodway on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and where applicable, in the supporting Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports for the communities listed in the table below. The purpose of this notice is to seek general information and comment regarding the preliminary FIRM, and where applicable, the FIS report that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has provided to the affected communities. The FIRM and FIS report are the basis of the floodplain management measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of having in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In addition, the FIRM and FIS report, once effective, will be used by insurance agents and others to calculate appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and the contents of those buildings.
Final Flood Elevation Determinations
Base (1% annual-chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and modified BFEs are made final for the communities listed below. The BFEs and modified BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management measures that each community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations for Hays County, Texas and Incorporated Areas
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is withdrawing its proposed notice concerning proposed flood hazard determinations, which may include the addition or modification of any Base Flood Elevation, base flood depth, Special Flood Hazard Area boundary or zone designation, or regulatory floodway (herein after referred to as proposed flood hazard determinations) on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps and, where applicable, in the supporting Flood Insurance Study reports for Hays County, Texas and Incorporated Areas.
Final Flood Hazard Determinations
Flood hazard determinations, which may include additions or modifications of Base Flood Elevations (BFEs), base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundaries or zone designations, or regulatory floodways on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and where applicable, in the supporting Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports have been made final for the communities listed in the table below. The FIRM and FIS report are the basis of the floodplain management measures that a community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of having in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA's) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In addition, the FIRM and FIS report are used by insurance agents and others to calculate appropriate flood insurance premium rates for buildings and the contents of those buildings.
Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations
Comments are requested on proposed flood hazard determinations, which may include additions or modifications of any Base Flood Elevation (BFE), base flood depth, Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundary or zone designation, or regulatory floodway on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and where applicable, in the supporting Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports for the communities listed in the table below. The purpose of this notice is to seek general information and comment regarding the preliminary FIRM, and where applicable, the FIS report that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has provided to the affected communities. The FIRM and FIS report are the basis of the floodplain management measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of having in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In addition, the FIRM and FIS report, once effective, will be used by insurance agents and others to calculate appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and the contents of those buildings.
Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations
Comments are requested on proposed flood hazard determinations, which may include additions or modifications of any Base Flood Elevation (BFE), base flood depth, Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundary or zone designation, or regulatory floodway on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and where applicable, in the supporting Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports for the communities listed in the table below. The purpose of this notice is to seek general information and comment regarding the preliminary FIRM, and where applicable, the FIS report that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has provided to the affected communities. The FIRM and FIS report are the basis of the floodplain management measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of having in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In addition, the FIRM and FIS report, once effective, will be used by insurance agents and others to calculate appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and the contents of those buildings.
Changes in Flood Hazard Determinations
This notice lists communities where the addition or modification of Base Flood Elevations (BFEs), base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundaries or zone designations, or the regulatory floodway (hereinafter referred to as flood hazard determinations), as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and where applicable, in the supporting Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports, prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for each community, is appropriate because of new scientific or technical data. The FIRM, and where applicable, portions of the FIS report, have been revised to reflect these flood hazard determinations through issuance of a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), in accordance with Federal Regulations. The LOMR will be used by insurance agents and others to calculate appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and the contents of those buildings. For rating purposes, the currently effective community number is shown in the table below and must be used for all new policies and renewals.
Changes in Flood Hazard Determinations
New or modified Base (1-percent annual chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs), base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundaries or zone designations, and/or regulatory floodways (hereinafter referred to as flood hazard determinations) as shown on the indicated Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for each of the communities listed in the table below are finalized. Each LOMR revises the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and in some cases the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports, currently in effect for the listed communities. The flood hazard determinations modified by each LOMR will be used to calculate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and their contents.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Consolidated FEMA-National Training and Education Division (NTED) Level 3 Training Evaluation Forms
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public to take this opportunity to comment on a reinstatement, with change, of a previously approved information collection for which approval has expired. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice seeks comments concerning the use of the three separate Kirkpatrick Training Program Evaluation Level 3 instruments by three geographically separated National Training and Education (NTED) Training Organizations. The Training Partners Program Branch (TPP) located at FEMA Headquarters, The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) located in Anniston AL, and The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) located at Emmitsburg, MD. While these three instruments contain five common questions or data sets other questions are required due to unique occupational and operational needs of their respective customers and the different course/program content or subject material that is designed to develop interoperable National Preparedness Core Capabilities, Community Lifelines, and/or Recovery Sector capabilities across and among various responder communities. Level 3 data is used to measure and monitor transfer or retention of knowledge, skills and abilities obtained during training to the students work environment and/or organizational work environment. Data collected is utilized to continuously improve course material, delivery and to inform key stakeholders on course/program performance in accordance with the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010.
Alabama; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Alabama (FEMA-4503-DR), dated March 29, 2020, and related determinations.
Massachusetts; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (FEMA-4496-DR), dated March 27, 2020, and related determinations.
Kansas; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Kansas (FEMA-4504-DR), dated March 29, 2020, and related determinations.
Kentucky; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the Commonwealth of Kentucky (FEMA-4497-DR), dated March 28, 2020, and related determinations.
Pennsylvania; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (FEMA-4506-DR), dated March 30, 2020, and related determinations.
Oregon; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Oregon (FEMA-4499-DR), dated March 28, 2020, and related determinations.
District of Columbia; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the District of Columbia (FEMA-4502-DR), dated March 29, 2020, and related determinations.
Guam; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the territory of Guam (FEMA-4495-DR), dated March 27, 2020, and related determinations.
South Carolina; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of South Carolina (FEMA-4542-DR), dated May 1, 2020, and related determinations.
Georgia; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Georgia (FEMA-4501-DR), dated March 29, 2020, and related determinations.
Michigan; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Michigan (FEMA-4494-DR), dated March 27, 2020, and related determinations.
Rhode Island; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Rhode Island (FEMA-4505-DR), dated March 30, 2020, and related determinations.
Colorado; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Colorado (FEMA-4498-DR), dated March 28, 2020, and related determinations.
American Samoa; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the territory of American Samoa (FEMA-4537-DR), dated April 17, 2020, and related determinations.
Connecticut; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Connecticut (FEMA-4500-DR), dated March 28, 2020, and related determinations.
South Carolina; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of South Carolina (FEMA-4542-DR), dated May 1, 2020, and related determinations.
Tennessee; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Tennessee (FEMA-4541-DR), dated April 24, 2020, and related determinations.
Kentucky; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the Commonwealth of Kentucky (FEMA-4540-DR), dated April 24, 2020, and related determinations.
Washington; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Washington (FEMA-4539-DR), dated April 23, 2020, and related determinations.
Mississippi; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-4538-DR), dated April 23, 2020, and related determinations.
Mississippi; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-4536-DR), dated April 16, 2020, and related determinations.
Mississippi; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-4536-DR), dated April 16, 2020, and related determinations.
Mississippi; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-4536-DR), dated April 16, 2020, and related determinations.
Puerto Rico; Amendment No. 7 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (FEMA-4473-DR), dated January 16, 2020, and related determinations.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households Program
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will submit the information collection abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The submission will describe the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e., the time, effort and resources used by respondents to respond) and cost, and the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; National Flood Insurance Program Policy Forms
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public to take this opportunity to comment on a reinstatement, with change, of a previously approved information collection for which approval has expired. FEMA will submit the information collection abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The submission will describe the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e., the time, effort and resources used by respondents to respond) and cost, and the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Federal Emergency Management Agency Individual Assistance Customer Satisfaction Surveys
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will submit the information collection abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The submission will describe the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e., the time, effort and resources used by respondents to respond) and cost, and the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Facility Access Request
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will submit the information collection abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The submission will describe the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e., the time, effort and resources used by respondents to respond) and cost, and the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; FEMA Preparedness Grants: Nonprofit Security Grant Program
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public to take this opportunity to comment on a revision of a currently approved information collection. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice seeks comments concerning the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). The NSGP provides funding support for security related enhancements to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist attack.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; FEMA Preparedness Grants: Port Security Grant Program
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will submit the information collection abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The submission will describe the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e., the time, effort and resources used by respondents to respond) and cost, and the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; FEMA Preparedness Grants: Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP)
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will submit the information collection abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The submission will describe the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e., the time, effort and resources used by respondents to respond) and cost, and the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; FEMA Inspection and Claims Forms
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public to take this opportunity to comment on a revision of a currently approved information collection. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice seeks comments concerning the collection of information related to the flood insurance claims process and the housing inspection damage assessment process.
Emergency Management Priorities and Allocations System (EMPAS)
This interim final rule establishes standards and procedures by which the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) may require certain contracts or orders that promote the national defense be given priority over other contracts or orders. This rule also sets new standards and procedures by which FEMA may allocate materials, services, and facilities to promote the national defense under emergency and non-emergency conditions pursuant to section 101 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended. These regulations are part of FEMA's response to the ongoing COVID-19 emergency.
Idaho; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Idaho (FEMA-4534-DR), dated April 9, 2020, and related determinations.
Vermont; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Vermont (FEMA-4532-DR), dated April 8, 2020, and related determinations.
Minnesota; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Minnesota (FEMA-4531-DR), dated April 7, 2020, and related determinations.
Oklahoma; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Oklahoma (FEMA-4530-DR), dated April 5, 2020, and related determinations.
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