Executive Office of the President 2023 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 351 - 400 of 554
National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Regulations Revisions Phase 2
The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) is proposing this ``Bipartisan Permitting Reform Implementation Rule'' to revise its regulations for implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), including to implement the Fiscal Responsibility Act's amendments to NEPA. CEQ proposes the revisions to provide for an effective environmental review process that promotes better decision making; ensure full and fair public involvement; provide for an efficient process and regulatory certainty; and provide for sound decision making grounded in science, including consideration of relevant environmental, climate change, and environmental justice effects. CEQ proposes these changes to better align the provisions with CEQ's extensive experience implementing NEPA; CEQ's perspective on how NEPA can best inform agency decision making; longstanding Federal agency experience and practice; NEPA's statutory text and purpose, including making decisions informed by science; and case law interpreting NEPA's requirements. CEQ invites comments on the proposed revisions.
Ocean Justice Strategy
The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), on behalf of the Ocean Policy Committee (OPC), request input from all interested parties to inform the development of an Ocean Justice Strategy. The Ocean Justice Strategy will describe the vision, goals, and high-level objectives for coordinating and guiding ocean justice activities across the Federal Government. It may also serve as a reference for Tribal, Territorial, State, and local governments, regional management bodies, and non- governmental groups. The Ocean Justice Strategy will propose equitable and just practices to advance safety, health, and prosperity for communities residing near the ocean, the coasts, and the Great Lakes and for the whole country, now and for future generations. It builds on current Biden-Harris Administration activities and commitments aimed to advance environmental justice. Through this Request for Information (RFI), the Ocean Policy Committee seeks public input on what the vision and goals of the Ocean Justice Strategy should be and how the Federal Government can advance just and equitable access to, and management and use of, the ocean, the coasts, and the Great Lakes.
Proposed OMB Circular No. A-4 Modernization-Extension of Public Comment Period
On April 7, 2023, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published a notice entitled ``Request for Comments on Proposed OMB Circular No. A-4, `Regulatory Analysis.''' OMB is extending the public comment period announced in that notice, which currently closes on June 6, 2023, by 14 days. The comment period will now remain open until June 20, 2023, to allow additional time for the public to review and comment on the initial proposals.
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