Environmental Protection Agency September 28, 2020 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Underground Injection Control Program; Hazardous Waste Injection Restrictions; Petition for Exemption Reissuance-Class I Hazardous Waste Injection; INEOS Nitriles USA LLC (INEOS)-Green Lake Complex, Port Lavaca, Texas
Notice is hereby given that a reissuance of an exemption to the land disposal Restrictions, under the 1984 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, has been granted to INEOS for three Class I hazardous waste injection wells located at their Green Lake Complex located in Port Lavaca, Texas. The company has adequately demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the petition reissuance application and supporting documentation that, to a reasonable degree of certainty, there will be no migration of hazardous constituents from the injection zone for as long as the waste remains hazardous. This final decision allows the underground injection by INEOS, of the specific restricted hazardous wastes identified in this exemption reissuance, into Class I hazardous waste injection Wells WDW-163, WDW- 164, and WDW-165 until December 31, 2028, unless EPA moves to terminate this exemption. Additional conditions included in this final decision may be reviewed by contacting the Region 6 Ground Water/UIC Section. A public notice was issued June 24, 2020, and the public comment period closed on August 10, 2020. No comments were received. This decision constitutes final Agency action and there is no Administrative appeal. This decision may be reviewed/appealed in compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act.
Cross-Media Electronic Reporting: Authorized Program Revision Approval, State of Texas
This notice announces the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approval of the State of Texas's request to revise/modify certain of its EPA-authorized programs to allow electronic reporting.
Approval and Promulgation of State Air Quality Plans for Designated Facilities and Pollutants; New Mexico and Albuquerque-Bernalillo County, New Mexico; Control of Emissions From Existing Other Solid Waste Incineration Units
In this supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is supplementing the proposal published on January 15, 2020, and pursuant to the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA or the Act), the EPA is notifying the public that we have received CAA section 111(d)/129 negative declarations from New Mexico and Albuquerque-Bernalillo County, New Mexico, for existing incinerators subject to the Other Solid Waste Incineration units (OSWI) emission guidelines (EG). The information provided in the negative declaration letter previously submitted by New Mexico on October 11, 2007, and addressed in our January 15, 2020 proposal, was clarified and reaffirmed in a June 15, 2020, negative declaration letter from New Mexico. The negative declarations from New Mexico and Albuquerque- Bernalillo County, New Mexico, certify that incinerators subject to the OSWI EG and the requirements of sections 111(d) and 129 of the CAA do not exist within the jurisdictions of New Mexico and Albuquerque- Bernalillo County. The EPA is supplementing our previous proposal and proposing to accept the negative declarations and amend the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) in accordance with the requirements of the CAA.
Pseudomonas fluorescens Strain ACK55; Exemption From the Requirement of a Tolerance
This regulation establishes an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain ACK55 in or on all food commodities when used in accordance with label directions and good agricultural practices. The IR-4 Project submitted a petition to EPA under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), requesting an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. This regulation eliminates the need to establish a maximum permissible level for residues of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain ACK55 under FFDCA.
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