Environmental Protection Agency November 17, 2017 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 11 of 11
Adequacy Status of Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets in Submitted Reasonable Further Progress Plan for San Diego 8-Hour Ozone for Transportation Conformity Purposes; California
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or ``Agency'') is notifying the public that the Agency has found that the motor vehicle emissions budgets (``budgets'') for the Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) milestone year 2017 from the ``2008 Eight-Hour Ozone Attainment Plan for San Diego County (December 2016)'' (``2016 San Diego Ozone Plan'' or ``plan''), are adequate for transportation conformity purposes for the 2008 ozone national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). The California Air Resources Board (CARB) submitted the 2016 San Diego Ozone Plan to the EPA on April 12, 2017, as a revision to the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). Upon the effective date of this notice of adequacy, the previously-approved budgets for the 1997 8-hour ozone standards will no longer be applicable for transportation conformity purposes, and the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and the U.S. Department of Transportation must use these adequate budgets in future transportation conformity determinations.
Approval of California Air Plan Revisions, Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve and conditionally approve revisions to the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District (MDAQMD or ``District'') portion of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). These revisions concern the District's demonstration regarding Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) requirements for the 1997 8-hour ozone and the 2008 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS or ``standard'') in the portion of the Western Mojave Desert ozone nonattainment area under the jurisdiction of the MDAQMD. The EPA is also proposing to approve MDAQMD negative declarations into the SIP for the 2008 ozone standards. We are proposing action on local SIP revisions under the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act). We are taking comments on this proposal and plan to follow with a final action.
Approval of California Air Plan Revisions, Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve a revision to the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District (MDAQMD) portion of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). This revision concerns emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from marine and pleasure craft coating operations. We are proposing to approve a local rule to regulate these emission sources under the Clean Air Act (CAA or the Act). We are taking comments on this proposal and plan to follow with a final action.
Information Collection Request Submitted to OMB for Review and Approval; Comment Request; SmartWay Transport Partnership (Renewal)
The Environmental Protection Agency has submitted an information collection request (ICR), ``SmartWay Transport Partnership'' (EPA ICR No. 2265.03, OMB Control No. 2060-0663) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. This is a reinstatement of the ICR, which was currently approved through July 31, 2017. Public comments were previously requested via the Federal Register on July 7, 2017 during a 60-day comment period. This notice allows for an additional 30 days for public comments. A fuller description of the ICR is given below, including its estimated burden and cost to the public. An agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Approval of Implementation Plans; State of Iowa; Elements of the Infrastructure SIP Requirements for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS); Withdrawal
Due to an adverse comment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is withdrawing the direct final rule for Approval of Implementation Plans; State of Iowa; Elements of the Infrastructure SIP Requirements for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) published in the Federal Register on September 29, 2017. Infrastructure SIPs address the applicable requirements of Clean Air Act (CAA) section 110, which requires that each state adopt and submit a SIP for the implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of each new or revised NAAQS promulgated by the EPA. These SIPs are commonly referred to as ``infrastructure'' SIPs. The infrastructure requirements are designed to ensure that the structural components of each state's air quality management program are adequate to meet the state's responsibilities under the CAA.
Approval of Kansas Air Quality State Implementation Plans; Construction Permits and Approvals Program; Withdrawal
Due to an adverse comment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is withdrawing the direct final rule for Approval of Kansas Air Quality State Implementation Plans; Construction Permits and Approvals Program, published in the Federal Register on September 21, 2017. Kansas's SIP revisions included revisions to Kansas' construction permit rules. Specifically, these revisions implemented the revised National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for fine particulate matter; clarified and refined applicable criteria for sources subject to the construction permitting program; updated the construction permitting program fee structure and schedule; and made minor revisions and corrections.
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Nebraska; Infrastructure SIP Requirements for the 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide and the 2012 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Withdrawal
Due to adverse comments, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is withdrawing the direct final rule Approval of Nebraska Air Quality Implementation Plans; Infrastructure SIP Requirements for the 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide and the 2012 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards, published in the Federal Register on September 20, 2017. The direct final rule approved elements of a State Implementation Plan (SIP) submission from the State of Nebraska addressing the applicable requirements of Clean Air Act (CAA) section 110 for the 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), and the 2012 Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) NAAQS. Section 110 of the CAA requires that each state adopt and submit a SIP to support implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of each new or revised NAAQS promulgated by EPA. These SIPs are commonly referred to as ``infrastructure'' SIPs.
State of Iowa; Elements of the Infrastructure SIP Requirements for the 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) Withdrawal
Due to an adverse comment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is withdrawing the direct final rule for Approval of Implementation Plans; State of Iowa; Elements of the Infrastructure SIP Requirements for the 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) published in the Federal Register on September 20, 2017. Infrastructure SIPs address the applicable requirements of Clean Air Act (CAA) section 110, which requires that each state adopt and submit a SIP for the implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of each new or revised NAAQS promulgated by the EPA. These SIPs are commonly referred to as ``infrastructure'' SIPs. The infrastructure requirements are designed to ensure that the structural components of each state's air quality management program are adequate to meet the state's responsibilities under the CAA.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; Direct Final Rule for the Approval of an Alternative Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standard; Withdrawal
Due to adverse comments received, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is withdrawing the August 28, 2017 direct final rule that approved a revision to the Maryland state implementation plan (SIP) to incorporate by reference a Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) order that establishes an alternative volatile organic compound (VOC) emission standard for National Gypsum Company (NGC) to ensure that it remains a minor VOC source. EPA stated in the direct final rule that if EPA received adverse comments by September 27, 2017, the rule would be withdrawn and not take effect. EPA subsequently received one adverse comment. EPA will address the comment received in a subsequent final action based upon the proposed action also published on August 28, 2017. EPA will not institute a second comment period on this action.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; 2011 Base Year Inventory for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard for the Maryland Portion of the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City Nonattainment Area; Withdrawal
Due to the receipt of an adverse comment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is withdrawing the September 25, 2017 direct final rule that approved the 2011 base year inventory for the Maryland portion of the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City marginal nonattainment area for the 2008 8-hour ozone national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS). EPA stated in the direct final rule that if EPA received adverse comments by October 25, 2017, the rule would be withdrawn and not take effect. EPA subsequently received an adverse comment. EPA will address the comment received in a subsequent final action based upon the proposed action also published on September 25, 2017. EPA will not institute a second comment period on this action.
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