Environmental Protection Agency April 12, 2017 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Pesticide Product Registration; Receipt of Applications for New Uses
EPA has received applications to add new food uses on previously registered pesticide products. Pursuant to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), EPA is hereby providing notice of receipt and opportunity to comment on these applications.
Chlorinated Phosphate Ester (CPE) Cluster; TSCA Section 21 Petition; Reasons for Agency Response
This document provides the reasons for EPA's response to a petition it received under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The TSCA section 21 petition was received from Earthjustice, Natural Resources Defense Council, Toxic-Free Future, Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, BlueGreen Alliance, and Environmental Health Strategy Center on January 6, 2017. The petitioners requested that EPA issue an order under TSCA section 4, requiring that testing be conducted by manufacturers and processors of chlorinated phosphate esters (``CPE''). The CPE Cluster is composed of tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (``TCEP'') (CAS No. 115-96-8), 2-propanol, 1-chloro-, phosphate (``TCPP'') (CAS No. 13674-84-5), and 2-propanol, 1,3- dichloro-, phosphate (``TDCPP'') (CAS No. 13674-87-8). After careful consideration, EPA denied the TSCA section 21 petition for the reasons discussed in this document.
Relaxation of the Federal Reid Vapor Pressure Gasoline Volatility Standard for Davidson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson, and Wilson Counties, Tennessee
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve a request from the state of Tennessee for EPA to relax the federal Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) standard applicable to gasoline introduced into commerce from June 1 to September 15 of each year for Davidson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson, and Wilson Counties (hereinafter referred to as the Middle Tennessee Area or Area). Specifically, EPA is proposing to amend the regulations to allow the RVP standard for the Middle Tennessee Area to rise from 7.8 pounds per square inch (psi) to 9.0 psi for gasoline. EPA has preliminarily determined that this change to the federal RVP regulation is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Human Studies Review Board; Notification of Public Meetings
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of the Science Advisor announces two separate public meetings of the Human Studies Review Board (HSRB) to advise the Agency on the ethical and scientific review of research involving human subjects.
Monoethanolamine; Exemption From the Requirement of a Tolerance
This regulation establishes an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues of monoethanolamine (CAS Reg. No. 141-43-5) when used as an inert ingredient (solvent) in pesticides applied to growing crops and raw agricultural commodities after harvest limited to a maximum concentration of 3.35% by weight in the pesticide formulation. Technology Sciences Group Inc., on behalf of Doosan Corporation, submitted a petition to EPA under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), requesting establishment of an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. This regulation eliminates the need to establish a maximum permissible level for residues of monoethanolamine when used in accordance with the approved concentrations.
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