Environmental Protection Agency July 28, 2011 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Visibility Union Executive Board
Document Number: 2011-19137
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-07-28
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
EPA is announcing the Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Visibility Union (MANE-VU) Executive Board. This meeting will deal with matters relative to Regional Haze, visibility improvement, and criteria pollutants within the MANE-VU region.
Public Water Supply Supervision Program; Program Revision for the State of Alaska
Document Number: 2011-19123
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-07-28
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Notice is hereby given that the State of Alaska has revised its approved State Public Water Supply Supervision Primacy Program. Alaska has adopted regulations analogous to the EPA's Ground Water Rule. The EPA has determined that these revisions are no less stringent than the corresponding federal regulations. Therefore, the EPA intends to approve these State program revisions. By approving these rules, the EPA does not intend to affect the rights of federally recognized Indian tribes within ``Indian country'' as defined by 18 U.S.C. 1151, nor does it intend to limit existing rights of the State of Alaska.
Interim Final Determination To Defer Sanctions, San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District, CA
Document Number: 2011-18992
Type: Rule
Date: 2011-07-28
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
EPA is making an interim final determination to defer imposition of sanctions based on a proposed determination, published elsewhere in this Federal Register, that the State of California has submitted a rule that satisfies the requirements of Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 185 fee program.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Document Number: 2011-18991
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2011-07-28
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
In this action, we are proposing to approve San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) Rule 3170, ``Federally Mandated Ozone Nonattainment Fee,'' as a revision to SJVUAPCD's portion of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). Rule 3170 is a local fee rule submitted to address section 185 of the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act). EPA is also proposing to approve SJVUAPCD's fee-equivalent program, which includes Rule 3170 and state law authorities that authorize SJVUAPCD to impose supplemental fees on motor vehicles, as an alternative to the program required by section 185 of the Act. We are proposing that SJVUAPCD's alternative fee- equivalent program is not less stringent than the program required by section 185, and, therefore, is approvable, consistent with the principles of section 172(e) of the Act. As part of this action, we are inviting public comment on whether it is appropriate for EPA to consider alternative programs and, if so, what would constitute an approvable alternative program. We are taking comments on these proposals and plan to follow with a final action.
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