Environmental Protection Agency August 13, 2009 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Notice of a Regional Waiver of Section 1605 (Buy American Requirement) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) to the City of Ocean Shores (the City), Washington for the Purchase of Resin Beads (Miex® DOC Resin) Manufactured Outside of the United States Under the Section 1605 Waiver Authority Based on the Conclusion That Iron, Steel, and the Relevant Manufactured Goods Are Not Produced in the United States in Sufficient and Reasonably Available Quantities and of a Satisfactory Quality
The Acting Regional Administrator of EPA Region 10, is hereby granting a waiver of the Buy America requirements of ARRA Section 1605 under the authority of Section 1605(b)(2) [manufactured goods are not produced in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available quantities and of a satisfactory quality] to the City for the purchase of resin beads (MIEX[supreg] DOC Resin) supplied by Orica Ltd, in Victoria, Australia and manufactured in Australia. The applicant indicates that MIEX[supreg] DOC Resin is necessary to the MIEX[supreg] process, a treatment process evaluated in pilot studies and selected for implementation. While the majority of other equipment is manufactured in the U.S., the MIEX[supreg] DOC Resin is only manufactured in Australia. It is patented and no alternative exists which can be used with the MIEX[supreg] process. The Acting Regional Administrator is making this determination based on the review and recommendations of the Drinking Water Unit. The City has provided sufficient documentation to support their request.
Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule State Authorized Program Revision/Modification Approvals: State of Washington
This notice announces EPA's approval, under regulations for Cross-Media Electronic Reporting, of the State of Washington's request to revise/modify programs to allow electronic reporting for certain of their EPA-authorized programs under title 40 of the CFR.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Ohio; Consumer Products Rule
EPA is proposing to approve a request submitted by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) on October 5, 2007, to revise the Ohio State Implementation Plan (SIP) under the Clean Air Act. The State has submitted new volatile organic compounds (VOCs) control rules for approval under Chapter 3745-112 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC). The rules include OAC 3745-112-01 to OAC 3745-112-08 and are intended to assist the State in achieving and/or maintaining the national 8-hour ground level ozone standard through the regulation of VOCs in consumer products.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Ohio; Consumer Products Rule
EPA is approving a request submitted by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) on October 5, 2007, to revise the Ohio State Implementation Plan (SIP) under the Clean Air Act. The State has submitted new volatile organic compounds (VOCs) control rules for approval under Chapter 3745-112 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC). The rules include OAC 3745-112-01 to OAC 3745-112-08 and are intended to assist the State in achieving and/or maintaining the national 8-hour ground level ozone standard through the regulation of VOCs in consumer products. Ohio followed, with some modifications, the Ozone Transport Commission's ``Model Rule for Consumer Products,'' (Model Rule) in developing the State's submittal.
Spinetoram; Pesticide Tolerances
This regulation amends the tolerances for the combined residues of spinetoram in or on almond, hulls; nut, tree, group 14; and pistachio and establishes tolerances for date; pomegranate; pineapple; pineapple, processed residue; spice, subgroup 19B, except black pepper; and hop, dried cones. The Interregional Research Project Number 4 (IR- 4) requested these tolerances under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsylvania; Revised Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets for the York-Adams Counties 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area
EPA proposes to approve the State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the purpose of amending the 8-hour ozone maintenance plan for the York-Adams 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area. This revision amends the maintenance plan's 2009 and 2018 motor vehicle emissions budgets (MVEBs) by unequally dividing the overall MVEBs into two sub-regional MVEBs for each county comprising the area. In the Final Rules section of this Federal Register, EPA is approving the Commonwealth's SIP submittal as a direct final rule without prior proposal because the Agency views this as a noncontroversial submittal and anticipates no adverse comments. A detailed rationale for the approval is set forth in the direct final rule. If no adverse comments are received in response to this action, no further activity is contemplated. If EPA receives adverse comments, the direct final rule will be withdrawn and all public comments
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsylvania; Revised Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets for the York-Adams Counties 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area
EPA is taking direct final action to approve a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The revision amends the 8-hour ozone maintenance plan for the York-Adams Counties 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Area (the Area). This revision amends the maintenance plan's 2009 and 2018 motor vehicle emissions budgets (MVEBs) by unequally dividing the existing approved MVEBs which covers the entire maintenance area into two sub-regional MVEBs, one set of MVEBs for each county comprising the area. The revised plan continues to demonstrate maintenance of the 8-hour national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for ozone. EPA is approving this SIP revision to the Pennsylvania maintenance plan for York-Adams in accordance with the requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA).
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