Environmental Protection Agency January 29, 2008 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 6 of 6
Health and Safety Data Reporting; Addition of Certain Chemicals
This final rule, issued pursuant to section 8(d) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and its regulations, requires manufacturers (including importers) of consumer products intended for use by children who also manufacture (including import) lead or lead compounds to report certain unpublished health and safety data to EPA. This final rule adds lead and lead compounds to 40 CFR 716.120 because the Interagency Testing Committee (ITC) added the category of lead and lead compounds to the Priority Testing List through its 60\th\ ITC Report. The ITC was established under section 4(e) of TSCA to recommend chemicals and chemical mixtures to EPA for priority testing consideration; the ITC periodically amends the TSCA section 4(e) Priority Testing List through periodic reports submitted to EPA.
Acephate, Fenbutatin-Oxide (Hexakis), MCPA, Pyrethrins, and Triallate; Tolerance Actions
EPA is revoking certain tolerances for the insecticides acephate and pyrethrins. Also, EPA is modifying certain tolerances for the insecticides acephate and pyrethrins. In addition, EPA is establishing new tolerances for the herbicides MCPA and triallate, and the insecticides fenbutatin-oxide (hexakis) and pyrethrins. The regulatory actions finalized in this document are in follow-up to the Agency's reregistration program under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), and tolerance reassessment program under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) section 408(q).
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maine; Ozone Maintenance Plans
The EPA is proposing to approve a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the State of Maine, that includes four separate 8-hour ozone maintenance plans. The Clean Air Act requires that areas that are designated attainment for the 8-hour ozone standard, and also had been previously designated either nonattainment or maintenance for the 1-hour ozone standard, develop a plan showing how the state will maintain the ozone standard for the area. Maine's maintenance plans include an emissions inventory, a plan for how the state will demonstrate and track progress of continued maintenance of the standard, a commitment to continue ozone monitoring, and a contingency plan that will ensure that any violation of the 8-hour ozone standard is promptly addressed. The intended effect of this action is to propose approval of these four maintenance plans. This action is being taken under the Clean Air Act.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maine; Ozone Maintenance Plans
The EPA is approving a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the State of Maine, that includes four separate 8-hour ozone maintenance plans. The Clean Air Act requires that areas that are designated attainment for the 8-hour ozone standard, and also had been previously designated either nonattainment or maintenance for the 1-hour ozone standard, develop a plan showing how the state will maintain the ozone standard for the area. Maine's maintenance plans include an emissions inventory, a plan for how the state will demonstrate and track progress of continued maintenance of the standard, a commitment to continue ozone monitoring, and a contingency plan that will ensure that any violation of the 8-hour ozone standard is promptly addressed. The intended effect of this action is to approve these four maintenance plans into the Maine SIP. This action is being taken under the Clean Air Act.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Michigan; Oxides of Nitrogen Regulations, Phase II
The EPA is approving Michigan's oxides of nitrogen (NOX) rules which satisfy the requirements of EPA's NOX SIP Call Phase II Rule (the Phase II Rule). We are approving these regulations based on Michigan's demonstration that they will result in the achievement of the Phase II budget through source compliance with rules affecting stationary internal combustion (IC) engines which are identified in the NOX plan submittal. Limiting NOX emissions from IC engines will enable the State to meet the Phase II incremental difference of 1,033 tons during the ozone season, thereby improving air quality and protecting the health of Michigan citizens.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Michigan; Oxides of Nitrogen Regulations, Phase II
The EPA is approving Michigan's oxides of nitrogen (NOX) rules which satisfy the requirements of EPA's NOX SIP Call Phase II Rule (the Phase II Rule). We are approving these regulations based on Michigan's demonstration that they will result in the achievement of the Phase II budget through source compliance with rules affecting stationary internal combustion (IC) engines which are identified in the NOX plan submittal. Limiting NOX emissions from IC engines will enable the State to meet the Phase II incremental difference of 1,033 tons during the ozone season, thereby improving air quality and protecting the health of Michigan citizens.
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