Department of Veterans Affairs May 22, 2014 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Solicitation of Nomination for Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Women Veterans
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is seeking nominees to be considered for membership on the Advisory Committee on Women Veterans (Committee) for the 2014-2015 membership cycle. The Committee is authorized by 38 U.S.C. Sec. 542, to provide advice to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Secretary) on: the administration of VA's benefits and services (health care, rehabilitation benefits, compensation, outreach, and other relevant programs) for women Veterans; reports and studies pertaining to women Veterans; and the needs of women Veterans. The Committee provides a Congressionally-mandated report to the Secretary each even-numbered year, which includes: an assessment of the needs of women Veterans, with respect to compensation, health care, rehabilitation, outreach, and other benefits and programs administered by VA; a review of the programs and activities of VA designed to meet such needs; and other recommendations (including recommendations for administrative and legislative action), as the Committee considers appropriate. The Committee reports to the Secretary through the Director of the Center for Women Veterans. The Secretary appoints Committee member, and determines the length of terms in which Committee members serve. A term of service for any member may not exceed 3 years. However, the Secretary can reappoint members for additional terms. Each year, there are several vacancies on the Committee, as members' terms expire. Self-nominations are acceptable. Letters of nomination from organizations or other individuals should also be submitted with the package. Non-Veterans are eligible for nomination. In accordance with the Obama Administration's policy regarding lobbyists serving on advisory boards and commissions ( presidential-memorandum-lobbyists-agency-boards-and-commissio ns), individuals who are Federally-registered lobbyists are prohibited from serving on Federal advisory committees.
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