Department of Transportation April 27, 2015 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Notice of Intent To Rule on Request To Release Airport Property at the St. George Airport, St. George, Utah
Document Number: 2015-09759
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA proposes to rule and invite public comment on the release of land at St. George Airport under the provisions of Section 125 of the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment Reform Act for the 21st Century (AIR 21), now 49 U.S.C. 47107(h)(2).
Special Conditions: Honda Aircraft Company Model HA-420 Hondajet, Protection of Systems for High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF); Withdrawal
Document Number: 2015-09743
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA is withdrawing a previously published notice granting special conditions for the Honda Aircraft Company model HA-420 jet airplane. We are withdrawing Special Condition No. 23-217-SC through mutual agreement with Honda Aircraft Company.
Special Conditions: Honda Aircraft Company Model HA-420 Hondajet, Fire Extinguishing; Withdrawal
Document Number: 2015-09742
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA is withdrawing a previously published notice granting special conditions for the Honda Aircraft Company model HA-420 jet airplane. We are withdrawing Special Condition No. 23-227-SC through mutual agreement with Honda Aircraft Company.
Submission of U.S. Carrier Updated Tarmac Delay Contingency Plans to Department of Transportation for Approval
Document Number: 2015-09716
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary
The purpose of this document is to serve as notice to covered U.S. carriers of the statutory obligation, pursuant to the FAA Modernization and Reform Act, 49 U.S.C. 42301(d), to submit updated tarmac delay contingency plans on or before May 14, 2015, to the U.S. Department of Transportation's Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings (Enforcement Office). We request that covered carriers submit their plans through the established Web site: https://
Agency Request for Emergency Processing of Collection of Information by the Office of Management and Budget
Document Number: 2015-09704
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation
FRA hereby gives notice that it is submitting the following Information Collection request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for emergency processing under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. FRA requests that OMB authorize the collection of information identified below immediately upon publication of this Notice for a period of 180 days.
Agency Request for Emergency Processing of Collection of Information by the Office of Management and Budget
Document Number: 2015-09703
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation
FRA hereby gives notice that it is submitting the following Information Collection request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for emergency processing under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. FRA requests that OMB authorize the collection of information identified below immediately upon publication of this Notice for a period of 180 days.
Agency Request for Emergency Processing of Collection of Information by the Office of Management and Budget
Document Number: 2015-09702
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation
FRA hereby gives notice that it is submitting the following Information Collection request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for emergency processing under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. FRA requests that OMB authorize the collection of information identified below immediately upon publication of this Notice for a period of 180 days.
New York City Permit Requirements for Transportation of Certain Hazardous Materials
Document Number: 2015-09634
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with statutory requirements, PHMSA is publishing a notice of delay in processing the American Trucking Associations, Inc.'s (ATA) application for a preemption determination concerning requirements of the New York City Fire Department for a permit to transport certain hazardous materials by motor vehicle through New York City, or for transshipment from New York City, and the fee for the permit. PHMSA is conducting fact-finding and legal analysis in response to the request, and is delaying issuance of its determination in order to allow time for appropriate consideration of the issues raised by the application.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Permit Requirements for Transportation of Hazardous Material
Document Number: 2015-09632
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
In accordance with statutory requirements, PHMSA is publishing a notice of delay in processing the American Trucking Associations, Inc.'s (ATA) application for a preemption determination concerning requirements of the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for a permit to transport hazardous materials by motor vehicle and the fee to obtain the permit. PHMSA is conducting fact-finding and legal analysis in response to the request, and is delaying issuance of its determination in order to allow time for appropriate consideration of the issues raised by the application.
Emergency Order Establishing a Maximum Operating Speed of 40 mph in High-Threat Urban Areas for Certain Trains Transporting Large Quantities of Class 3 Flammable Liquids
Document Number: 2015-09614
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation
FRA is issuing this Emergency Order (E.O. or Order) to require that trains transporting large amounts of Class 3 flammable liquid through certain highly populated areas adhere to a maximum authorized operating speed limit. FRA has determined that public safety compels issuance of this Order. This Order is necessary due to the recent occurrence of railroad accidents involving trains transporting petroleum crude oil and ethanol and the increasing reliance on railroads to transport voluminous amounts of those hazardous materials in recent years. Under the E.O., an affected train is one that contains: (1) 20 or more loaded tank cars in a continuous block, or 35 or more loaded tank cars, of Class 3 flammable liquid; and, (2) at least one DOT Specification 111 (DOT- 111) tank car (including those built in accordance with Association of American Railroads (AAR) Casualty Prevention Circular 1232 (CPC-1232)) loaded with a Class 3 flammable liquid. Affected trains must not exceed 40 miles per hour (mph) in high-threat urban areas (HTUAs) as defined in 49 CFR 1580.3.
Mechanical Inspections and Wheel Impact Load Detector Standards for Trains Transporting Large Amounts of Class 3 Flammable Liquids
Document Number: 2015-09612
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation
Recent derailments have occurred involving trains transporting large quantities of petroleum crude oil and ethanol. Preliminary investigation of one of these recent derailments involving a crude oil train indicates that a mechanical defect involving a broken tank car wheel may have caused or contributed to the incident. FRA is issuing this Safety Advisory to make recommendations to enhance the mechanical safety of the cars in trains transporting large quantities of flammable liquids. This Safety Advisory recommends that railroads use highly qualified individuals to conduct the brake and mechanical inspections and recommends a reduction to the impact threshold levels the industry currently uses for wayside detectors that measure wheel impacts to ensure the wheel integrity of tank cars in those trains.
Airworthiness Directives; Lycoming Engines Reciprocating Engines
Document Number: 2015-09535
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA is withdrawing a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM). The NPRM proposed a new airworthiness directive (AD) that had applied to certain Lycoming Engines (type certificate formerly held by Textron Lycoming) with Superior Air Parts, Inc. (SAP), piston pins installed. The NPRM had applied to those engines using SAP piston pins, part number (P/N) 13444-1. The proposed action would have required removal of defective SAP piston pins, P/N 13444-1, from service. Since we issued the NPRM, we have learned that all the affected piston pins have been removed from service. We also found that SAP has revised its manufacturing process so that the subsequent piston pins were no longer susceptible to cracking. Accordingly, we withdraw the proposed rule.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
Document Number: 2015-09465
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2014-26-53 and AD 2015-03-02 for certain Airbus Model A319-115, A319-133, A320-214, A320-232, and A320-233 airplanes. AD 2014-26-53 required repetitive detailed visual inspections to detect discrepancies of the wing lower skin surface and inboard main landing gear (MLG) support rib lower flange location fasteners and, depending on findings, accomplishment of applicable corrective action(s). AD 2015-03-02 required repetitive detailed visual inspections of the outboard MLG support rib lower flange fasteners for discrepancies, and corrective actions if necessary. This new AD retains the repetitive detailed visual inspections to detect discrepancies of the fasteners located in the wing lower skin surface and inboard MLG support rib lower flange with extended compliance times and repetitive intervals, and accomplishment of applicable corrective actions. This new AD also retains the repetitive detailed visual inspections of the outboard MLG support rib lower flange fasteners for discrepancies, and corrective actions if necessary. In addition, this new AD adds airplanes to the applicability. This AD was prompted by a determination that certain airplanes were missing from the applicability of AD 2014-26-53 and AD 2015-03-02 and that those airplanes may be affected by the unsafe condition addressed in AD 2014-26-53 and AD 2015-03-02. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct discrepancies of the fasteners at the external surface of the lower wing skin and inboard and outboard MLG support rib lower flanges, which could result in an airplane not meeting its maximum loads expected in service. This condition could result in structural failure.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
Document Number: 2015-09285
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-04-27
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2007-14-05 for all Airbus Model A310 and Model A300 B4-600, B4-600R, and F4-600R series airplanes, and Model A300 C4-605R Variant F airplanes (collectively called Model A300-600 series airplanes). AD 2007-14-05 required revising the Airworthiness Limitations section of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness by incorporating certain certification maintenance requirements. This new AD requires revising the maintenance or inspection program to incorporate more restrictive maintenance requirements and airworthiness limitations. This AD was prompted by a determination that more restrictive maintenance requirements and airworthiness limitations are necessary. We are issuing this AD to prevent safety-significant latent failures that would, in combination with one or more other specific failures or events, result in a hazardous or catastrophic failure condition of avionics, hydraulic systems, fire detection systems, fuel systems, or other critical systems.
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