Department of Transportation 2014 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 151 - 200 of 2,837
Notice and Request for Comments
The Department of Transportation (DOT) invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. Before a Federal agency can collect certain information from the public, it must receive approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Under procedures established by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, before seeking OMB approval, Federal agencies must solicit public comment on proposed collections of information, including extensions and reinstatement of previously approved collections.
Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces that the renewal Information Collection Requests (ICR) abstracted below are being forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comment. The ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its expected burden. The Federal Register notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on September 5, 2014 (79 FR 56616).
Airworthiness Directives; Robinson Helicopter Company Helicopters
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2011-12-10 for Robinson Helicopter Company (Robinson) Model R22, R22 Alpha, R22 Beta, R22 Mariner, R44, and R44 II helicopters with certain main rotor blades (blade) installed. AD 2011-12-10 required inspecting each blade at the skin-to-spar line for debonding, corrosion, a separation, a gap, or a dent and replacing any damaged blade with an airworthy blade. This new AD also requires a terminating action for those inspection requirements. These actions are intended to detect debonding of the blade skin, which could result in blade failure and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter, and to correct the unsafe condition by replacing the main rotor blades with new blades that do not require the AD inspection.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2000-12-12, for certain Airbus Model A300, A300-600, and A310 series airplanes. AD 2000-12-12 required inspecting to detect cracks in the lower spar axis of the nacelle pylon between ribs 9 and 10, and repair if necessary. AD 2000-12-12 also provided for optional modification of the pylon, which terminated the inspections for Model A300 series airplanes. This new AD reduces the initial and repetitive inspection compliance times. This AD was prompted by reports of cracking of the lower pylon spar after accomplishing the existing modification. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fatigue cracking, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the lower spar of the nacelle pylon.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by a report of a crack found in the fuselage during a fatigue test campaign. This AD requires repetitive rototest inspections for cracking; corrective actions if necessary; and modification of the torsion box, which would terminate the repetitive inspections. We are issuing this AD to prevent cracking in the side box beam flange of the fuselage, which could affect the structural integrity of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 787-8 airplanes. This AD was prompted by failure during testing of the anchor attachment on the occupant restraint system on the standard attendant seat due to an understrength attachment fitting. This AD requires replacing the existing restraint attachment fitting on the standard attendant seat with a new, improved attachment fitting. We are issuing this AD to prevent failure of the restraint attachment fitting of the attendant seat during an emergency landing, which could cause injury to the cabin crew and passengers and could impede a rapid evacuation.
Notice of Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Approvals and Disapprovals
The FAA publishes a monthly notice, as appropriate, of PFC approvals and disapprovals under the provisions of the Aviation Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1990 (Title IX of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990) (Pub. L. 101-508) and Part 158 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 158). This notice is published pursuant to paragraph d of Sec. 158.29.
Notice of Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Approvals and Disapprovals
The FAA publishes a monthly notice, as appropriate, of PFC approvals and disapprovals under the provisions of the Aviation Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1990 (Title IX of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990) (Pub. L. 101-508) and Part 158 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 158). This notice is published pursuant to paragraph d of Sec. 158.29.
Notice of Charter Renewal of the Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee (COMSTAC)
The FAA announces the charter renewal of the COMSTAC, a Federal Advisory Committee that provides information, advice, and recommendations to the Department of Transportation and the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on the critical matters facing the U.S. commercial space transportation industry.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Fractional Aircraft Ownership Programs
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. Fractional Ownership is a program that offers increased flexibility in aircraft ownership. Owners purchase shares of an aircraft and agree to share their aircraft with others having an ownership share in that same aircraft. Owners agree to put their aircraft into a ``pool'' of other shared aircraft and to lease their aircraft to another owner in that pool.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Airport Noise Compatibility Planning
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. The respondents are those airport operators voluntarily submitting noise exposure maps and noise compatibility programs to the FAA for review and approval.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Aviation Insurance
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. The requested information is included in air carriers applications for insurance when insurance is not available from private sources.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection(s): Criteria for Internet Communications of Aviation Weather, NOTAM, and Aeronautical Data
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. An Advisory Circular (AC) establishes criteria for Qualified Internet Communications Providers (ICP), who provide access to aviation weather, Notices to Airmen (NOTAM), and aeronautical data via the Public Internet. The information collected is used to determine the provider's eligibility.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Certification Procedures for Products and Parts
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. 14 CFR part 21 prescribes certification standards for aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers appliances and parts. The information collected is used to determine compliance and applicant eligibility. The respondents are aircraft parts designers, manufacturers, and aircraft owners.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Report of Inspections Required by Airworthiness Directives
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. Airworthiness Directives (ADs) are regulations issued to require correct corrective action to correct unsafe conditions in aircraft, engines, propellers, and appliances. Reports of inspections are often needed when emergency corrective action is taken to determine if the action was adequate to correct the unsafe condition. The respondents are aircraft owners and operators. Currently, FAA has blanket Paperwork Reduction Act approval from OMB for all ADs with information collection requirements. Per OMB's request, this collection is being converted to a generic information collection request, which will require FAA to submit individual ADs to OMB for approval prior to their release.
Aviation Training Device Credit for Pilot Certification
This rulemaking relieves burdens on pilots seeking to obtain aeronautical experience, training, and certification by increasing the allowed use of aviation training devices. These training devices have proven to be an effective, safe, and affordable means of obtaining pilot experience. These actions are necessary to bring the regulations in line with current needs and activities of the general aviation training community and pilots.
Proposed Revocation of Class E Airspace; Forrest City, AR
This action proposes to remove Class E airspace at Forrest City Municipal Airport, Forrest City, AR, due to the cancellation of instrument flight rules (IFR) operations. The FAA is proposing this action to enhance airspace management within the National Airspace System.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
This rule establishes, amends, suspends, or revokes Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) and associated Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of the adoption of new or revised criteria, or because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, adding new obstacles, or changing air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
This rule establishes, amends, suspends, or revokes Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) and associated Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of the adoption of new or revised criteria, or because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, adding new obstacles, or changing air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
This rule amends, suspends, or revokes Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) and associated Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of the adoption of new or revised criteria, or because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, adding new obstacles, or changing air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
This rule amends, suspends, or revokes Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) and associated Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of the adoption of new or revised criteria, or because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, adding new obstacles, or changing air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Notice To Rescind a Notice of Intent and Draft Environmental Impact Statement: US 60 Superior to Globe Corridor Improvement/Realignment Study; Pinal and Gila Counties, Arizona.
The FHWA is issuing this notice to advise the public that FHWA and the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) will not prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed improvements or rerouting of US Highway (US) 60 in Pinal and Gila counties, Arizona. A Notice of Intent to prepare an EIS was published in the Federal Register on April 30, 2009.
Notice of Intent To Grant Buy America Waivers to National Railroad Passenger Corporation and California High-Speed Rail Authority for the Non-Domestic Final Assembly of Four “Prototype” Tier III High-Speed Rail Trainsets
FRA is issuing this notice to advise the public that it intends to grant the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) and California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) waivers from FRA's Buy America requirement for the non-domestic final assembly of up to four (two for Amtrak; two for the Authority) ``prototype'' Tier III high-speed rail (HSR) trainsets in connection with the procurement of HSR trainsets. These waivers apply only to the final assembly of up to two prototype HSR trainsets each for Amtrak and the Authority. Each waiver is subject to the following condition: Before issuing a ``Notice To Proceed'' to any selected supplier, Amtrak and the Authority each must certify and provide support to FRA that its selected supplier still has not established domestic manufacturing facilities capable of assembling the prototypes and delivering them within a reasonable time. All components used in the prototypes must still be domestically manufactured or separate waivers for components requested and granted before assembly of the prototypes can commence.
Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Clark, SD
This action proposes to establish Class E airspace at Clark, SD. Controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) at Clark County Airport. The FAA is taking this action to enhance the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations for SIAPs at the airport.
Notice of Intent To Rule on Request To Release Airport Property at the Dubois Regional Airport, Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania
The FAA proposes to rule and invite public comment on the release of land at the Dubois Regional Airport, Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania under the provision 49 U.P.C. 47125(a).
Buy America Waiver Notification
This notice provides information regarding the FHWA's finding that a Buy America waiver is appropriate for the use of non-domestic 20'' Trunnion mounted steel ball valve (ASCI 300/API 6D/ASME 318) on Federal-aid project HYSDOT PIN#0756.56 in the State of New York.
Airworthiness Directives; Rolls-Royce plc Turbofan Engines
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Rolls-Royce plc (RR) RB211-524 turbofan engines with certain part number (P/N) low-pressure turbine (LPT) stage 3 turbine blades installed. This proposed AD was prompted by reports of LPT stage 3 turbine blade failures, release of blades, and subsequent in-flight shutdowns. This proposed AD would require implementation of a life limit for certain P/N LPT stage 3 turbine blades and replacement of affected blades that reach or exceed the life limit. We are proposing this AD to prevent failure of LPT stage 3 turbine blades and subsequent release of blade debris, which could lead to failure of one or more engines, loss of thrust control, and damage to the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Dowty Propellers Constant Speed Propellers
We are revising airworthiness directive (AD) 2010-17-11R1, which applies to all Dowty Propellers R408/6-123-F/17 model propellers. AD 2010-17-11R1 required initial application of sealant between the bus bar assembly and the backplate assembly of certain line-replaceable units (LRUs) and repetitive re-applications of sealant on all R408/6- 123-F/17 model propellers. AD 2010-17-11R1 also provided an optional terminating action to the repetitive re-application of sealant. This AD increases the interval allowed between the required re-application of sealant, and specifies an additional acceptable sealant. This AD was prompted by failure of the propeller de-ice bus bar due to friction or contact between the bus bar and the backplate assembly, consequent intermittent short circuit, and possible double generator failure. We are issuing this AD to prevent an in-flight double generator failure, which could result in reduced control of the airplane.
Notice of Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Approvals and Disapprovals
The FAA publishes a monthly notice, as appropriate, of PFC approvals and disapprovals under the provisions of the Aviation Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1990 (Title IX of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990) (Pub. L.101-508) and Part 158 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 158). This notice is published pursuant to paragraph d of Sec. 158.29.
Establishment of Class D and E Airspace, and Amendment of Class E Airspace; Hammond, LA
This action establishes Class D airspace and Class E airspace designated as an extension, at Hammond, LA. The establishment of an air traffic control tower has made this action necessary for the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations within the airspace at Hammond Northshore Regional Airport. This action also amends the airport name and adjusts the geographic coordinates for the current Class E airspace area.
Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Tucumcari, NM
This action withdraws the NPRM published in the Federal Register on December 20, 2013. In that action, the FAA proposed to establish Class E airspace at the Tucumcari VORTAC, Tucumcari, NM. The FAA has determined that withdrawal of the NPRM is warranted as a result of objections raised during the comment period.
Amendment of Class E Airspace; Roanoke Rapids, NC
This action amends Class E Airspace at Roanoke Rapids, NC, as Halifax County Airport has been abandoned, no longer requiring controlled airspace.
Amendment of Class E Airspace; Apalachicola, FL
This action amends Class E Airspace at Apalachicola, FL, as Apalachicola Municipal Airport has been renamed Apalachicola Regional Airport. This action also updates the geographic coordinates of the airport.
Amendment of Class D Airspace; MacDill AFB, FL
This action amends Class D Airspace at MacDill AFB, FL, by adding the words ``to but not including 1,200 feet MSL,'' further clarifying the ceiling in the descriptor of the Class D airspace. This action does not change the boundaries or operating requirements of the airspace.
Airworthiness Directives; Rolls-Royce plc Turbofan Engines
We are superseding airworthiness directive (AD) 98-07-07 for all Rolls-Royce plc (RR) RB211-535E4 and RB211-535E4-B turbofan engines. AD 98-07-07 required removing certain part number (P/N) low- pressure (LP) fuel filter-to-high-pressure (HP) fuel pump tube assemblies and installing flexible LP fuel filter-to-HP fuel pump tube assemblies. This AD expands the applicability of AD 98-07-07 to include the RB211-535E4-C-37 turbofan engine and requires removal from service of additional P/N LP fuel filter-to-high-pressure HP fuel pump tube assemblies. This AD was prompted by reports of fuel leaks that have resulted in a number of engine in-flight shutdowns. We are issuing this AD to prevent loss of fuel supply to the engine, which could lead to an in-flight shutdown of one or more engines, loss of thrust control, and damage to the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Various de Havilland Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Harry E. Williams de Havilland Model DH 82A airplanes, all Cliff Robertson de Havilland Model DH 82A airplanes, and all de Havilland Model DH 83 airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of structural failure of the attachment of the wing to the fuselage that resulted from failed lateral fuselage tie rods. This AD requires inspecting the aircraft maintenance records to determine the date of installation or the date of last replacement of the lateral fuselage tie rods. This AD also requires repetitively replacing all lateral fuselage tie rods and attaching nuts at a specified life limit interval. We are issuing this AD to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2013-20-06 for all Airbus Model A340-211, -212, -213, -311, -312, -313, -541, and -642 airplanes. AD 2013-20-06 required revising the maintenance program to incorporate certain maintenance requirements and airworthiness limitations. This new AD requires revising the maintenance or inspection program to incorporate certain other maintenance requirements and airworthiness limitations. This AD was prompted by a determination that existing maintenance requirements are not adequate to address the aging effects of aircraft systems. We are issuing this AD to address the aging effects of aircraft systems. Such aging effects could change the characteristics of systems' life-limited components leading to an increased potential for failure, which, in isolation or in combination with one or more other specific failures or events, could result in failure of certain life limited parts, which could reduce the structural integrity or the controllability of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2008-17-03 for certain The Boeing Company Model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 series airplanes. AD 2008-17-03 required repetitive inspections to detect fuselage frame cracking, and corrective action if necessary. AD 2008-17-03 also provided for optional terminating action (repair/ preventive change) for the repetitive inspections. This new AD adds airplanes to the applicability, but does not provide terminating action for the newly added airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of cracks found at the cutout in the web of body station frame 303.9 inboard of stringer 16L, as well as a new report of cracking found on an airplane not identified in the applicability of AD 2008-17-03. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fuselage frame cracking, which could prevent the left forward entry door from sealing correctly, and could cause in-flight decompression of the airplane.
Roadway Worker Authority Limits-Importance of Clear Communication, Compliance with Applicable Rules and Procedures, and Ensuring that Appropriate Safety Redundancies Are in Place in the Event of Miscommunication or Error; Correction
On November 25, 2014, FRA published a document in the Federal Register to reemphasize the importance of clear communication and compliance with applicable rules and procedures regarding roadway worker authority limits on controlled track, and to ensure that appropriate safety redundancies are in place to protect against miscommunication or error. The document contained an incorrect job designation (``foreman'' instead of ``roadway worker in charge'') for an employee in the first incident discussed in the safety advisory that resulted in an employee fatality, and an incorrect location (``Danbury,'' instead of ``West Haven,'' Connecticut) for the second incident that also resulted in an employee fatality. The safety advisory otherwise remains unchanged.
Airworthiness Directives; Lockheed Martin Corporation/Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Lockheed Martin Corporation/Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Model 382, 382B, 382E, 382F, and 382G airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by an evaluation by the design approval holder (DAH) indicating that the outer wings are subject to widespread fatigue damage (WFD). This proposed AD would require replacing certain outer wings with new or certain serviceable outer wings. We are proposing this AD to prevent fatigue cracking of the outer wing, and to prohibit exceeding the limit of validity (LOV), which could result in reduced structural integrity of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for The Boeing Company Model 747 airplanes equipped with a main deck side cargo door (MDSCD). This proposed AD was prompted by recent testing that indicates that intermodal containers, when loaded as cargo, under certain flight-load conditions, can shift and impact the adjacent fuselage frames. This proposed AD would require revising the airplane flight manual to incorporate limitations for carrying certain payloads. We are proposing this AD to prevent intermodal containers loaded in the offset method from shifting during flight gust loads and damaging fuselage frames, which could lead to the structural failure of the aft fuselage in flight, and subsequent in-flight breakup of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. Turboprop Engines
We propose to revise airworthiness directive (AD) 2014-17-08 that applies to all Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. (P&WC) PT6A-114 and PT6A-114A turboprop engines. AD 2014-17-08 requires initial and repetitive borescope inspections (BSIs) of compressor turbine (CT) blades, and the removal from service of blades that fail inspection. Since we issued AD 2014-17-08, P&WC developed an additional single crystal CT blade that corrects the unsafe condition. This proposed AD would retain all the requirements of AD 2014-17-08, add an additional single crystal CT blade that corrects the unsafe condition, reduce the affected population, and correct the Credit for Previous Action paragraph. We are proposing this AD to prevent failure of CT blades, which could result in damage to the engine and damage to the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 787-8 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by numerous reports of failures of the proximity sensor within the slat skew detection mechanism assembly (DMA) leading to slats up landing events. This proposed AD would require replacing the slat skew DMAs with new slat skew DMAs, and marking the existing identification plates on the slat with the new part number. We are proposing this AD to prevent failure of the proximity sensor, which could result in the slats being shut down and a slats up high speed landing. This condition, in combination with abnormal landing conditions such as a short runway or adverse weather conditions, could result in a runway excursion.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 747-100B, 747-100B SUD, 747-200B, 747- 200C, 747-200F, 747-300, 747-400, 747-400D, 747-400F, 747SR, and 747SP series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by reports of corrosion found on the mating surfaces between certain skin and stringers at circumferential skin splices. This proposed AD would require general visual inspections of the fuselage skin at certain lower circumferential splices for the presence of existing external doublers, repetitive inspections of the fuselage skin, and related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct compromised fillet seals, which can result in corrosion and skin cracking and consequent loss of capability to support limit loads.
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