Reclamation Bureau May 21, 2008 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Red Bluff Diversion Dam Fish Passage Improvement Project
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) is the National Environmental Policy Act Federal lead agency. The Tehama Colusa Canal Authority (TCCA) is the California Environmental Quality Act State lead agency. Together, these agencies have prepared a Final EIS/EIR for the Red Bluff Diversion Dam Fish Passage Improvement Project (Project). The Project provides for improved fish passage at the Red Bluff Diversion Dam as called for by the Central Valley Project Improvement Act section 3406 (b)(10), while also providing for continued agricultural water deliveries to TCCA member districts. The Notice of Availability of the Draft EIS/EIR was published in the Federal Register on September 6, 2002 (Volume 67, No. 173). The written comment period on the Draft EIS/EIR ended December 6, 2002. On January 30, 2007, Reclamation published a second Notice of Availability for the Draft EIS/EIR in the Federal Register (Volume 72, No. 19), which began an additional comment period lasting through March 16, 2007. The Final EIS/EIR contains responses to all comments received and changes made to the text of the Draft EIS/EIR as a result of those comments and any additional information received during the review period.
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