Department of the Interior October 21, 2009 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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West Virginia Regulatory Program
We are announcing receipt of a proposed amendment to the West Virginia regulatory program (the West Virginia program) under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA or the Act) that includes both statutory and regulatory revisions.
Alaska Native Claims Selection
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that an appealable decision approving the surface estate of certain lands for conveyance pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act will be issued to Qanirtuuq, Inc. The lands are in the vicinity of Quinhagak, Alaska, and are located in:
Filing of Plats of Survey; Nevada
The purpose of this notice is to inform the public and interested State and local government officials of the filing of Plats of Survey in Nevada.
Notice of Public Meeting: Recreation Subcommittee of the Resource Advisory Councils, NV.
In accordance with the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act of 2004 (FLREA) (Pub. L. 108-447), the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Nevada joint Recreation Subcommittee will hold a meeting to discuss fee proposals at campgrounds managed by the Forest Service. The subcommittee is comprised of members of the BLM's three Nevada Resource Advisory Councils (RACs).
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Buena Vista Lake shrew
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to revise our designation of critical habitat for the Buena Vista Lake shrew (Sorex ornatus relictus) under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). Our proposal is the same as the proposed critical habitat we published on August 19, 2004 (69 FR 51417). In total, approximately 4,649 acres (ac) (1,881 hectares (ha)) occur within the boundaries of the proposed revised critical habitat designation. The proposed revised critical habitat is located in the Central Valley floor of Kern County, California.
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