Department of the Army April 24, 2015 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Army Education Advisory Subcommittee Meeting Notice
Document Number: 2015-09520
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-04-24
Agency: Department of Defense, Department of the Army
The Department of the Army is publishing this notice to announce the following Federal advisory committee meeting of the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Board of Visitors, a subcommittee of the Army Education Advisory Committee. This meeting is open to the public.
Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Activities and Operations at Yuma Proving Ground, AZ
Document Number: 2015-09519
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-04-24
Agency: Department of Defense, Department of the Army
The Department of the Army announces the availability of the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (FPEIS) for Activities and Operations at Yuma Proving Ground (YPG). This document analyzes and evaluates potential environmental impacts associated with short-term and long-term proposed construction projects and proposed changes to YPG's testing and training mission. The potential for environmental impacts is greatest for the following resource areas: Soils, air quality, solid and hazardous materials/waste, vegetation, and wildlife. Best management practices and other mitigation measures were identified in the FPEIS.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Schofield Generating Station Project, United States Army Garrison, Hawaii
Document Number: 2015-09518
Type: Notice
Date: 2015-04-24
Agency: Department of Defense, Department of the Army
The Department of the Army announces the availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed lease of land and granting of easements on Schofield Barracks and Wheeler Army Airfield to Hawaiian Electric Company (Hawaiian Electric) for the construction, ownership, operation, and maintenance of a 50-megawatt (MW) capacity, biofuel-capable power generation plant, referred to as the Schofield Generating Station, and associated power poles, high- tension power lines, and related equipment and facilities. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the DEIS analyzes the environmental impacts associated with construction and operation of the Schofield Generating Station and associated infrastructure. The Army has determined that there are historic properties nearby, but that the undertaking will have no effect upon them as defined in 36 CFR 800.16(i). The Draft EIS documents this finding and it is now being made available for public review. The Draft EIS comment process is also an opportunity for public to provide input about the effects of the proposed actions on historic property, for consideration in Army decision making.
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