Employment and Training Administration December 16, 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Labor Certification Process for the Temporary Employment of Foreign Workers in Agriculture in the United States: Adverse Effect Wage Rate for Range Occupations
Document Number: 2024-29550
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-12-16
Agency: Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor
The Employment and Training Administration of the Department of Labor (DOL) is issuing this notice to announce updates to the Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR) for the employment of temporary or seasonal nonimmigrant foreign workers (H-2A workers) to perform herding or production of livestock on the range. AEWRs are the minimum wage rates the DOL has determined must be offered, advertised in recruitment, and paid by employers to H-2A workers and workers in corresponding employment so that the wages and working conditions of workers in the United States (U.S.) similarly employed will not be adversely affected. In this notice, DOL announces the annual update of the AEWR for workers engaged in the herding or production of livestock on the range, as required by the methodology previously established in 2015.
Labor Certification Process for the Temporary Employment of Foreign Workers in Agriculture in the United States: Adverse Effect Wage Rates for Non-Range Occupations
Document Number: 2024-29549
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-12-16
Agency: Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor
The Employment and Training Administration of the Department of Labor (DOL) is issuing this notice to announce updates to the Adverse Effect Wage Rates (AEWR) for the employment of temporary or seasonal nonimmigrant foreign workers (H-2A workers) to perform agricultural labor or services other than the herding or production of livestock on the range. AEWRs are the minimum wage rates the DOL has determined must be offered, advertised in recruitment, and paid by employers to H-2A workers and workers in corresponding employment so that the wages and working conditions of workers in the United States (U.S.) similarly employed will not be adversely affected. The AEWRs established in this notice are applicable to H-2A job opportunities classified: in six Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes comprising the field and livestock workers (combined) category, and in the field and livestock workers (combined) occupational category that are located in States or regions, or equivalent districts or territories, in which the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Farm Labor Report (better known as the Farm Labor Survey, or FLS) reports wages. In this notice, DOL also announces an update to the average AEWR, which is used to calculate adjustments to required bond amounts for H-2A Labor Contractors.
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