Employment and Training Administration December 20, 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Workforce Investment Act Amendments
The Department of Labor (DOL) is issuing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to implement several important policy changes to the Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser Act Regulations in volume 20 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Through these regulations, the Department implements these two laws and provides guidance for statewide and local workforce investment systems that have as their goals increasing the employment, retention and earnings of participants. By achieving these goals, the systems strive to improve the quality of the workforce, meet business needs for a skilled workforce, help participants achieve their career aspirations, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the nation. The changes set forth in this proposed rulemaking address some long-standing issues that have arisen under the current WIA regulations, such as problems associated with the large size of State and Local Workforce Investment Boards; the sequence of core, intensive and training services; the governor's authority over eligible training providers, and the availability of Individual Training Accounts to youth. In addition, the changes set forth in this proposed rulemaking address the method of delivery of Wagner-Peyser Act-funded services.
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