Indian Health Service December 26, 2023 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Notice of Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Mid-Atlantic Tribes in the States of Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia
Notice is hereby given that the Indian Health Service (IHS) has decided to view the seven Mid-Atlantic Tribes in the Commonwealth of Virginia collectively and to expand the geographic boundaries of their current Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Areas (PRCDAs). The seven Mid-Atlantic Tribes include the Pamunkey Indian Tribe, Chickahominy Indian Tribe, Chickahominy Indian TribeEastern Division, Upper Mattaponi Tribe, Rappahannock Tribe, Monacan Indian Nation, and Nansemond Indian Tribe.
Notice of Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area Redesignation for the Spokane Tribe of Indians in the State of Washington
Notice is hereby given that the Indian Health Service (IHS) has decided to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/ Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) for the Spokane Tribe to include the counties of Spokane and Whitman in the State of Washington. The final PRCDA for the Spokane Tribe now includes the Washington counties of Ferry, Lincoln, Spokane, Stevens, and Whitman. The sole purpose of this expansion is to authorize additional Spokane Tribal members and beneficiaries to receive Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) services.
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