Health Resources and Services Administration February 12, 2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Current Traumatic Brain Injury State Implementation Partnership Grantees; Non-Competitive One-Year Extension Funds
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) will issue funding for a non-competitive one-year extension for the State Implementation Partnerships (H21) awards to current grantees whose awards are scheduled to end in fiscal year (FY) 2013. Up to $250,000 per grantee will be awarded over a one-year extended project period. The HRSA TBI Program was initially authorized by the Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-166) and was most recently reauthorized by the Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 110- 206). Under this authority, the HRSA TBI Program is charged with improving access to rehabilitation and other services for individuals with traumatic brain injury and their families. The TBI State Implementation Partnership Grants support activities that complement existing state infrastructure to provide needed services following TBI. Through comprehensive and periodic needs and resources assessments, activities supported by grant funds are aligned with the highest priority areas as determined by providers, individuals with TBI and their families, advocates, and other stakeholders. Recipients of grant funds are expected to modify infrastructure in such a way that improvements in service delivery will be sustained beyond the grant period. As part of this charge, grantees must specifically have or develop the following four core components: (1) A Statewide Advisory Board consisting of members of the community, and representatives of other state agencies with an interest in TBI, such as State Departments of Health, Rehabilitation, Human Services, Education, Transportation, or Labor. This board should also have strong representation from individuals with TBI and/or family members; and also organizations that serve individuals with TBI; and other service providers, medical and non-medical; (2) A designated state agency that takes responsibility for carrying out activities of the grant; (3) A statewide needs and resources assessment; and (4) A comprehensive Statewide Action Plan for assisting individuals with TBI and their families to increase access to needed services and supports.
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