Department of Health and Human Services December 27, 2021 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 24 of 24
Proposed Information Collection Activity; National Directory of New Hires (OMB No. 0970-0166)
The Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), is requesting the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to approve the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH), with minor changes to the Multistate Employer Registration form, for an additional three years. The current OMB approval expires July 31, 2022.
Proposed Information Collection Activity; Annual Report on Households Assisted by the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) (OMB #0970-0060)
The Office of Community Services (OCS), Division of Energy Assistance, is requesting a 3-year extension of the Household Report Form (OMB #0970-0060, expiration February 28, 2022). Submission of the completed report is one requirement for LIHEAP grant recipients applying for federal LIHEAP block grant funds. OCS proposes minor changes related to reporting of supplemental funding and to update reporting dates and number of respondents.
Proposed Information Collection Activity; Children's Bureau National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) (OMB #0970-0340)
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is requesting a 3-year extension of the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) Youth Services Report and Youth Outcomes Survey Data Collection (OMB #0970-0340, expiration date 03/31/2022). There are no changes requested to the form.
Compliance Policy Guide Sec. 540.525 Scombrotoxin (Histamine)-Forming Fish and Fishery Products-Decomposition and Histamine; Availability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is announcing the availability of a draft Compliance Policy Guide entitled ``Sec. 540.525 Scombrotoxin (Histamine)-forming Fish and Fishery Products Decomposition and Histamine.'' The draft guidance, when finalized, will replace existing guidance for FDA staff on adulteration associated with decomposition and histamine identified during surveillance sampling and testing of fish and fishery products susceptible to histamine formation.
Pathology Peer Review in Nonclinical Toxicology Studies: Questions and Answers; Guidance for Industry; Availability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is announcing the availability of a final guidance for industry entitled ``Pathology Peer Review in Nonclinical Toxicology Studies: Questions and Answers.'' This guidance represents FDA's current thinking on the management and conduct of pathology peer review performed during good laboratory practice (GLP)-compliant toxicology studies. This guidance finalizes the draft guidance ``Pathology Peer Review in Nonclinical Toxicology Studies: Questions and Answers'' issued on September 30, 2019. This revision includes editorial changes to improve the clarity of the document.
Medicare Program; Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals; Changes to Medicare Graduate Medical Education Payments for Teaching Hospitals; Changes to Organ Acquisition Payment Policies
This final rule with comment period finalizes certain provisions of the fiscal year 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule. These provisions implement policies based on legislative changes relative to Medicare graduate medical education (GME) for teaching hospitals provided by sections 126, 127, and 131 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), 2021; and changes, clarifications, and codifications for Medicare organ acquisition payment policies relative to organ procurement organizations (OPOs), transplant hospitals, and donor community hospitals. In addition, this final rule with comment period solicits comments on certain GME issues to inform potential future rulemaking
Medicare Program; CY 2022 Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Changes to Part B Payment Policies; Medicare Shared Savings Program Requirements; Provider Enrollment Regulation Updates; Provider and Supplier Prepayment and Post-Payment Medical Review Requirements; Correction
This document corrects technical errors that appeared in the final rule published in the Federal Register on November 19, 2021 entitled ``Medicare Program; CY 2022 Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Changes to Part B Payment Policies; Medicare Shared Savings Program Requirements; Provider Enrollment Regulation Updates; and Provider and Supplier Prepayment and Post- Payment Medical Review Requirements'' (referred to hereafter as the ``CY 2022 PFS final rule''). The effective date of the CY 2022 PFS final rule is January 1, 2022.
Final Revised Vaccine Information Materials
Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) develops vaccine information materials that all healthcare providers are required to give to any patient (or to the patient's parent or legal representative in the case where the patient is a minor child) prior to administration of specific vaccines. On January 11, 2021, CDC published a notice in the Federal Register (86 FR 1977) seeking public comments on proposed updated vaccine information materials for vaccines covered by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Following review of comments submitted and consultation as required under the law, CDC has finalized the materials. By March 31, 2022, all healthcare providers must discontinue use of the previous editions and provide copies of these updated vaccine information materials prior to immunization.
Non-Clinical and Clinical Investigation of Devices Used for the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia; Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff; Availability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is announcing the availability of a final guidance entitled ``Non-Clinical and Clinical Investigation of Devices Used for the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).'' This guidance identifies the key features of non-clinical and clinical investigational plans used to support investigational device exemption applications, premarket approval applications, De Novo classification requests, and some premarket notification submissions for devices used in the treatment of BPH.
Proposed Data Collection Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of its continuing effort to reduce public burden and maximize the utility of government information, invites the general public and other federal agencies the opportunity to comment on a proposed and/or continuing information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This notice invites comment on a proposed information collection project titled NCEH DLS Laboratory Quality Assurance Programs. CDC's National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) Division of Laboratory Science (DLS) provides quality assurance in the form of quality control samples and technical assistance to laboratories to improve analytical accuracy and reliability of tests. Participating laboratories return results to CDC to assess performance.
Panray Corp. Sub Ormont Drug and Chemical Co., Inc., et al.; Proposal To Withdraw Approval of Three New Drug Applications; Opportunity for a Hearing
The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA or Agency) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) is proposing to withdraw approval of three new drug applications (NDAs) and is announcing an opportunity for the NDA holders to request a hearing on this proposal. The basis for the proposal is that the NDA holders have repeatedly failed to file required annual reports for those NDAs.
Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health (ABRWH), Subcommittee on Procedures Reviews (SPR), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the CDC announces the following meeting for the Subcommittee on Procedures Reviews (SPR) of the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health (ABRWH or the Advisory Board). This meeting is open to the public, but without a public comment period. The public is welcome to submit written comments in advance of the meeting, to the contact person below. Written comments received in advance of the meeting will be included in the official record of the meeting. The public is also welcomed to listen to the meeting by joining the audio conference (information below). The audio conference line has 150 ports for callers.
Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health (ABRWH), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the CDC announces the following meeting of the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health (ABRWH or the Advisory Board). This meeting is open to the public, buy without a public comment period. The public is welcome to submit written comments in advance of the meeting, to the contact person below. Written comments received in advance of the meeting will be included in the official record of the meeting. The public is also welcomed to listen to the meeting by joining the teleconference (information below). The audio conference line has 150 ports for callers.
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