Department of Health and Human Services August 2018 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 201 - 250 of 293
Patient-Focused Drug Development Guidance: Methods To Identify What Is Important to Patients and Select, Develop, or Modify Fit-for-Purpose Clinical Outcome Assessments; Public Workshop; Request for Comments
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing a 2-day public workshop to convene a discussion on methodological approaches that may be used to identify what is most important to patients and caregivers with respect to burden of disease, burden of treatment, and the benefits and risks in the management of the patient's disease, and best practices for selecting, developing, or modifying fit-for-purpose clinical outcome assessments (COAs) to measure the patient experience in clinical trials. This workshop will inform development of patient- focused drug development guidance as required by the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act) and as part of commitments made by FDA under the sixth authorization of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA VI). FDA will publish discussion documents approximately 1 month before the workshop date. FDA is interested in seeking information and comments on the approaches proposed in the discussion documents. FDA is also interested in input on examples, which could be illustrated in the draft guidance, where the approaches proposed in the discussion document have been successfully applied.
Fougera Pharmaceuticals, Inc., et al.; Withdrawal of Approval of 20 Abbreviated New Drug Applications
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is withdrawing approval of 20 abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) from multiple applicants. The holders of the applications notified the Agency in writing that the drug products were no longer marketed and requested that the approval of the applications be withdrawn.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing an opportunity for the public to comment on CMS' intention to collect information from the public. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), federal agencies are required to publish notice in the Federal Register concerning each proposed collection of information, including each proposed extension or reinstatement of an existing collection of information, and to allow a second opportunity for public comment on the notice. Interested persons are invited to send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including the necessity and utility of the proposed information collection for the proper performance of the agency's functions, the accuracy of the estimated burden, ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected and the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology to minimize the information collection burden.
HHS Approval of Entities That Certify Medical Review Officers
This notice publishes a list of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approved Medical Review Officers certification entities. The HHS Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs (Mandatory Guidelines), applicable on October 1, 2017, addresses the role and qualifications of Medical Review Officers (MROs) and HHS approval of entities that certify MROs.
Proposed Data Collection Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of its continuing effort to reduce public burden and maximize the utility of government information, invites the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on a proposed and/or continuing information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This notice invites comment on a proposed information collection project titled FoodNet Population Survey. The FoodNet Population Survey is conducted in 10 states and collects data on the prevalence of acute gastrointestinal illness in the United States and exposures associated with foodborne illness.
Proposed Data Collection Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of its continuing effort to reduce public burden and maximize the utility of government information, invites the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on a proposed and/or continuing information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This notice invites comment on a proposed information collection project titled the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS). The goal of the project is to assess the health of the population through patient use of physician offices, community health centers (CHCs), and to monitor the characteristics of physician practices].
Proposed Data Collection Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of its continuing effort to reduce public burden and maximize the utility of government information, invites the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on a proposed and/or continuing information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This notice invites comment on a proposed information collection project titled ``Dental Survey: Improving outpatient antibiotic use through implementation and evaluation of Core Elements of Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship.'' This information collection request will generate data to assess knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceived barriers to appropriate antibiotic prescribing in a representative sample of dental providers. Results will be used to inform interventions for this specific provider population and support our efforts to improve antimicrobial stewardship within outpatient clinics.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Adoption of the Methodology for the HHS-Operated Permanent Risk Adjustment Program for the 2018 Benefit Year Proposed Rule
This rule proposes to adopt the risk adjustment methodology that HHS previously established for the 2018 benefit year. In February 2018, a district court vacated the use of statewide average premium in the HHS-operated risk adjustment methodology for the 2014 through 2018 benefit years. HHS is proposing to adopt the HHS-operated risk adjustment methodology for the 2018 benefit year as established in the final rules published in the March 23, 2012 Federal Register and the December 22, 2016 Federal Register.
Human Dermal (Skin) Safety Testing for Topical Drug Products: Regulatory Utility and Evaluation; Public Workshop; Request for Comments
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA, Agency, or we) is announcing the following 1-day public workshop entitled ``Human Dermal (Skin) Safety Testing for Topical Drug Products: Regulatory Utility and Evaluation.'' The purpose of the public workshop is to provide a forum to discuss the current state and future directions of the collection of human data on the potential skin toxicity with the use of medications applied topically. The workshop will review current approaches to the collection of human data during the clinical development of topical drug products. The workshop will also address the impact of human skin toxicity studies on drug labeling and consider alternative approaches to providing information about skin toxicity.
Chronic Pain: The Science of Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches
This symposium on September 11, 2018, sponsored by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, will bring leading researchers to discuss the science and potential uses of complementary and integrative health approaches in treating chronic pain.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Disclosures in Professional and Consumer Prescription Drug Promotion
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that a proposed collection of information has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA).
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Generic Clearance for the Collection of Quantitative Data on Tobacco Products and Communications
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that a proposed collection of information has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Board of Scientific Counselors, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BSC, NIOSH)
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the CDC announces the following meeting of the Board of Scientific Counselors, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BSC, NIOSH). This meeting is open to the public, limited only by the space available. The meeting room accommodates approximately 33 people. The meeting is also open to the public via webcast. If you wish to attend in person or by webcast, please see the NIOSH website to register ( or call (404-498-2539) at least five business days in advance of the meeting. Teleconference is available toll-free; please dial (888) 397-9578, Participant Pass Code 63257516. Adobe Connect webcast will be available at https:// for participants wanting to connect remotely. This meeting is open to the public, limited only by the space available. The public is welcome to participate during the public comment period, 12:30 p.m. to 12:45 p.m., EDT, September 27, 2018. Please note that the public comment period ends at the time indicated above. Each commenter will be provided up to five minutes for comment. A limited number of time slots are available and will be assigned on a first come-first served basis. Written comments will also be accepted from those unable to attend the public session via an on-line form at the following website:
Government-Owned Inventions; Availability for Licensing
The invention listed below is owned by an agency of the U.S. Government and is available for licensing to achieve expeditious commercialization of results of federally-funded research and development. Foreign patent applications are filed on selected inventions to extend market coverage for companies and may also be available for licensing.
Determination That PROLIXIN (Fluphenazine Hydrochloride) Tablets, 1 Milligram, 2.5 Milligrams, 5 Milligrams, and 10 Milligrams, Was Not Withdrawn From Sale for Reasons of Safety or Effectiveness
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) has determined that PROLIXIN (fluphenazine hydrochloride) tablets, 1 milligram (mg), 2.5 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg, was not withdrawn from sale for reasons of safety or effectiveness. This determination will allow FDA to approve abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) for fluphenazine hydrochloride tablets, 1 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg, if all other legal and regulatory requirements are met.
Dissolution Testing and Acceptance Criteria for Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Form Drug Products Containing High Solubility Drug Substances; Guidance for Industry; Availability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is announcing the availability of a final guidance for industry entitled ``Dissolution Testing and Acceptance Criteria for Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Form Drug Products Containing High Solubility Drug Substances.'' This guidance has been developed to provide manufacturers with recommendations for submission of new drug applications (NDAs), investigational new drug applications (INDs), or abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs), as appropriate, for orally administered immediate-release (IR) drug products that contain highly soluble drug substances. The guidance is intended to describe when a standard release test and criteria may be used in lieu of extensive method development and acceptance criteria-setting exercises.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Voluntary Labeling Indicating Whether Foods Have or Have Not Been Derived From Genetically Engineered Plants
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is announcing an opportunity for public comment on the proposed collection of certain information by the Agency. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Federal Agencies are required to publish notice in the Federal Register concerning each proposed collection of information, including each proposed extension of an existing collection of information, and to allow 60 days for public comment in response to the notice. This notice solicits comments on the information collection associated with the guidance to assist manufacturers who wish to voluntarily label their foods (human and animal) as being made with or without bioengineering, or the use of bioengineered ingredients, to ensure that labeling is truthful and not misleading.
Fougera Pharmaceuticals, Inc., et al.; Withdrawal of Approval of 27 Abbreviated New Drug Applications
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is withdrawing approval of 27 abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) from multiple applicants. The holders of the applications notified the Agency in writing that the drug products were no longer marketed and requested that the approval of the applications be withdrawn.
Elemental Impurities in Drug Products; Guidance for Industry; Availability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is announcing the availability of a final guidance for industry entitled ``Elemental Impurities in Drug Products.'' This guidance finalizes the draft guidance issued July 1, 2016, which provides recommendations regarding the control of elemental impurities of human drug products marketed in the United States consistent with the implementation of International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) guidance for industry entitled ``Q3D Elemental Impurities'' (ICH Q3D). This guidance will also assist manufacturers of compendial drug products in responding to the issuance of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) requirement for the control of elemental impurities.
[Docket No. FDA-2011-N-0776] HEADAgency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Reclassification Petitions for Medical Devices
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is announcing that a proposed collection of information has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corporation, et al.; Withdrawal of Approval of Four New Drug Applications
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is withdrawing approval of four new drug applications (NDAs) from multiple applicants. The holders of the applications notified the Agency in writing that the drug products were no longer marketed and requested that the approval of the applications be withdrawn.
Meeting of the President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition; Correction
The Department of Health and Human Services published a document in the Federal Register of July 27, 2018, concerning the upcoming annual meeting of the President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition (PCSFN). The document contained an incorrect location and time.
Meeting of the President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition; Correction
The Department of Health and Human Services published a document in the Federal Register of July 27, 2018, concerning the upcoming annual meeting of the President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition (PCSFN). The document contained an incorrect location and time.
Medicare Program; Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Billing for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) Final Rule for FY 2019, SNF Value-Based Purchasing Program, and SNF Quality Reporting Program
This final rule updates the payment rates used under the prospective payment system (PPS) for skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) for fiscal year (FY) 2019. This final rule also replaces the existing case-mix classification methodology, the Resource Utilization Groups, Version IV (RUG-IV) model, with a revised case-mix methodology called the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) beginning on October 1, 2019. The rule finalizes revisions to the regulation text that describes a beneficiary's SNF ``resident'' status under the consolidated billing provision and the required content of the SNF level of care certification. The rule also finalizes updates to the SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) and the Skilled Nursing Facility Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program.
Medicare and Medicaid Programs: National Dialysis Accreditation Commission (NDAC) for Approval of its End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Facility Accreditation Program
This proposed notice acknowledges the receipt of an application from the National Dialysis Accreditation Commission (NDAC) for recognition as a national accrediting organization (AO) for End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Facilities that wish to participate in the Medicare or Medicaid programs.
Medicare Program; Administrative Law Judge Hearing Program for Medicare Claim and Entitlement Appeals; Quarterly Listing of Program Issuances-April Through June 2018
This quarterly notice announces the reorganization and revision of the OMHA Case Processing Manual (OCPM) and lists the OCPM manual instructions that were published from April through June 2018. This manual standardizes the day-to-day procedures for carrying out adjudicative functions, in accordance with applicable statutes, regulations, and OMHA directives, and gives OMHA staff direction for processing appeals at the OMHA level of adjudication.
Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Zika Virus Vaccines
The Secretary is amending a Declaration pursuant to the Public Health Service Act to provide liability immunity protection for activities related to Zika virus vaccines consistent with the terms of the Declaration.
Government-Owned Inventions; Availability for Licensing
The invention listed below is owned by an agency of the U.S. Government and is available for licensing to achieve expeditious commercialization of results of federally-funded research and development. Foreign patent applications are filed on selected inventions to extend market coverage for companies and may also be available for licensing.
Scientific Advisory Committee on Alternative Toxicological Methods; Announcement of Meeting; Request for Comments
This notice announces the next meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Alternative Toxicological Methods (SACATM). SACATM, a federally chartered, external advisory group composed of scientists from the public and private sectors, including representatives of regulated industry and national animal protection organization, will review and provide advice on programmatic activities. SACATM advises the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM), the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM), and the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Sciences (NIEHS) and NTP regarding statutorily mandated duties of ICCVAM and activites of NICEATM. The meeting is open to the public and registration is requested for both attendance and oral comment and required to access the webcast. Information about the meeting and registration are available at https:/ /
Government-Owned Inventions; Availability for Licensing
The inventions listed below are owned by an agency of the U.S. Government and are available for licensing in the U.S.
Government-Owned Inventions; Availability for Licensing
The inventions listed below are owned by an agency of the U.S. Government and are available for licensing in the U.S.
Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods Biennial Progress Report: 2016-2017; Availability of Report
The National Toxicology Program (NTP) Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM) announces availability of the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM) Biennial Progress Report: 2016-2017. This report, prepared in accordance with requirements of the ICCVAM Authorization Act of 2000, describes activities and accomplishments from January 2016 through December 2017.
Prospective Grant of Exclusive Patent License: Treatment of Type I Diabetes and its Comorbidities
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, is contemplating the grant of an exclusive patent License to Inversago Pharma, Inc., located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, to practice the inventions embodied in the patent applications listed in the Supplementary Information section of this notice.
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