Department of Health and Human Services October 5, 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Vision 2006-A Conversation With the American Public; Notice of Public Meetings on Specific Food and Drug Administration Issues; Notice of Cancellation of Meetings
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is canceling a series of three public meetings entitled ``Vision 2006A Conversation With the American Public.'' These meetings were to be a forum where consumers could interact directly with FDA's leadership to discuss issues of public interest. These meetings were announced in the Federal Register of August 16, 2005 (70 FR 48160).
Administration on Children, Youth and Families; Award Announcement
The Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Child Care Bureau, herein announces an urgent grant award to the South Plains Community Action Association, Inc. (fiscal agent) on behalf of the South Plains Early Childhood Council (Local Council and Grantee), Levelland, Texas, in the amount of $99,999 for a project period of 12 months. This urgent grant award will assist the Local Council in the emergency provision of child care and early learning opportunities to young children and their families who have been evacuated from Mississippi, Louisiana, and other parts of Texas due to Hurricane Katrina. This service area includes 13,575 square miles of the following counties: Bailey, Cochran, Crosby, Dickens, Floyd, Garza, Hale, Hockley, King, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Motley, Terry, and Yoakum. The South Plains Early Childhood Council is well-situated geographically to provide the needed emergency services, and is well- equipped in terms of program activities and cooperating agencies to add immediately and significantly to the child care and related service needs of the evacuee families. The Council is unique in that it serves such a large multi-county rural area that is receiving evacuees and because it has the existing organizational capacity to take the services directly to the rural communities using the FROG bus [Fun Reading on the Go]. This is especially important since the majority of evacuees have no personal form of transportation and public transportation is limited in this rural area. This emergency grant award will provide early learning opportunities, early literacy activities, and mental health support to children under the age of five years, their parents/guardians, caregivers, and child care providers. Young children currently residing in shelters will be given age- and culturally-appropriate books and will receive supplemental supportive educational and social activities from staff trained in early childhood. Young children and their parents/guardians will also be provided with mental health supports by appropriately trained staff to support the children's social and emotional development, and to promote effective parenting.
Medicaid Program and State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Payment Error Rate Measurement
This interim final rule sets forth the State requirements to provide information to us for purposes of estimating improper payments in Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), as required under the Improper Payments Information Act (IPIA) of 2002. The IPIA requires heads of Federal agencies to annually estimate and report to the Congress these estimates of improper payments for the programs they oversee and, submit a report on actions the agency is taking to reduce erroneous payments. We published a proposed rule on August 27, 2004 to propose that States measure improper payments in Medicaid and SCHIP and report the State-specific error rates to us for purposes of computing the improper payment estimates for these programs. After extensive analysis of the issues related to having States measure improper payments in Medicaid and SCHIP, including public comments on the provisions in the proposed rule, we are revising our proposed approach. Our new approach incorporates commenters' suggestions to engage a Federal contractor by contracting with that entity to complete the data processing and medical reviews and calculate the State-specific error rates. Based on the States' error rates, the contractor also will calculate the improper payment estimates for these programs which will be reported by the Department of Health and Human Services as required by the IPIA. This interim final rule sets out the types of information that States would need to submit to allow CMS to conduct medical and data processing reviews on claims made in the fee-for-service (FFS) setting. CMS will address estimating improper payments for Medicaid managed care and eligibility and SCHIP FFS, managed care and eligibility at a later time. This rule responds to the public comments on the proposed rule, sets forth the requirements for States to assist us and the contractor to produce State-specific error rates in Medicaid and SCHIP which will be used as the basis for a national error rate, and outlines future plans for measuring eligibility, which may include greater State involvement than the level required for the medical and data processing reviews.
Notice of Public Comment on the Proposed Adoption of ANA Program Policies and Procedures
Pursuant to section 814 of the Native American Programs Act of 1974 (the Act) as amended by 42 U.S.C. 2991b-1, ANA herein describes its proposed interpretive rules, general statement of policy and rules of agency procedure or practice in relation to the Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS), Native Language Preservation and Maintenance (hereinafter referred to as Native Language), Environmental Regulatory Enhancement (hereinafter referred to as Environmental) and Environmental Mitigation (hereinafter referred to as Mitigation) programs and any Special Initiatives. Under the statute, ANA is required to provide members of the public an opportunity to comment on proposed changes in interpretive rules, statements of general policy and rules of agency procedure or practice and to give notice of the final adoption of such changes at least thirty (30) days before the changes become effective. The notice also provides additional information about ANA's plan for administering the programs.
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