Department of Energy May 6, 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Standards for Business Practices and Communication Protocols for Public Utilities
Document Number: 2024-09438
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission proposes to amend its regulations to incorporate by reference, with certain exceptions, the latest version (Version 004) of the Standards for Business Practices and Communication Protocols for Public Utilities adopted by the Wholesale Electric Quadrant of the North American Energy Standards Board.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
Document Number: 2024-09799
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Department of Energy
As required by the Privacy Act of 1974 and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars A-108 and A-130, the Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) is publishing notice of a modification to an existing Privacy Act System of Records. DOE proposes to amend System of Records DOE-8 Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA). This System of Records Notice (SORN) is being modified to align with new formatting requirements, published by OMB, and to ensure appropriate Privacy Act coverage of business processes and Privacy Act information. While there are no substantive changes to the "Categories of Individuals" or "Categories of Records" sections covered by this SORN, substantive changes have been made to the "System Locations," "Routine Uses," and "Administrative, Technical and Physical Safeguards" sections to provide greater transparency. Changes to "Routine Uses" include new provisions related to responding to breaches of information held under a Privacy Act SORN as required by OMB's Memorandum M-17-12, "Preparing for and Responding to a Breach of Personally Identifiable Information" (January 3, 2017). Language throughout the SORN has been updated to align with applicable Federal privacy laws, policies, procedures, and best practices.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
Document Number: 2024-09798
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Department of Energy
As required by the Privacy Act of 1974 and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars A-108 and A-130, the Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) is publishing notice of a modification to an existing Privacy Act system of records. DOE proposes to amend System of Records DOE-1, Grievance Records. This System of Records Notice (SORN) is being modified to align with new formatting requirements, published by OMB, and to ensure appropriate Privacy Act coverage of business processes and Privacy Act information. While there are no substantive changes to the "Categories of Individuals" or "Categories of Records" sections covered by this SORN, substantive changes have been made to the "System Locations," "Routine Uses," and "Administrative, Technical and Physical Safeguards" sections to provide greater transparency. Changes to "Routine Uses" include new provisions related to responding to breaches of information held under a Privacy Act SORN as required by OMB's Memorandum M-17-12, "Preparing for and Responding to a Breach of Personally Identifiable Information" (January 3, 2017). Language throughout the SORN has been updated to align with applicable Federal privacy laws, policies, procedures, and best practices.
Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Water Heaters
Document Number: 2024-09209
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Department of Energy
The Energy Policy and Conservation Act, as amended ("EPCA"), prescribes energy conservation standards for various consumer products and certain commercial and industrial equipment, including consumer water heaters. EPCA also requires the U.S. Department of Energy ("DOE" or "the Department") to periodically determine whether more stringent standards would be technologically feasible and economically justified, and would result in significant energy savings. In this final rule, DOE is adopting amended energy conservation standards for consumer water heaters. It has determined that the new and amended energy conservation standards for these products would result in significant conservation of energy, and are technologically feasible and economically justified.
Interpretation of Foreign Entity of Concern
Document Number: 2024-08913
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-05-06
Agency: Department of Energy
On December 4, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) published in the Federal Register for public comment a proposed interpretive rule on DOE's interpretation of the statutory definition of "foreign entity of concern" (FEOC) in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), which applies to multiple programs related to the battery supply chain. This statutory definition provides that, among other criteria, a foreign entity is a FEOC if it is "owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a government of a foreign country that is a covered nation." In this final interpretive rule, DOE responds to public comments, clarifying the term "foreign entity of concern" by providing interpretations of the following key terms: "government of a foreign country;" "foreign entity;" "subject to the jurisdiction;" and "owned by, controlled by, or subject to the direction."
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