Department of Energy December 18, 2014 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Boulder Canyon Project-Post-2017 Resource Pool
Document Number: 2014-29638
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-12-18
Agency: Department of Energy, Western Area Power Administration
The Western Area Power Administration (Western), a Federal power marketing agency of the Department of Energy (DOE), announces the Boulder Canyon Project (BCP) Post-2017 Resource Pool Final Allocation of Power (BCP Final Allocation). The BCP Final Allocation was developed pursuant to the Conformed Power Marketing Criteria or Regulations for the Boulder Canyon Project (2012 Conformed Criteria) published in the Federal Register on June 14, 2012, as required by the Hoover Power Allocation Act of 2011, and Western's final BCP post-2017 marketing criteria and call for applications published in the Federal Register on December 30, 2013. This notice also includes Western's responses to comments on proposed allocations published on August 8, 2014. The BCP Final Allocation documents Western's decisions prior to beginning the contractual phase of the process. Electric service contracts will provide for delivery from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2067.
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