Department of Energy October 12, 2007 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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San Luis Rio Colorado Project (DOE/EIS-0395)
The Department of Energy (DOE) received applications from North Branch Resources, LLC (NBR) and Generadora del Desierto, S.A. de C.V. (GDD) to construct the proposed San Luis Rio Colorado Project in Yuma County, Arizona. NBR and GDD (collectively termed the Applicants) are each wholly owned subsidiaries of North Branch Holding, LLC. GDD applied to Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE), an organizational unit within DOE, for a Presidential permit to construct, connect, operate, and maintain a double-circuit 500,000-volt (500-kilovolt [kV]) electric transmission line across the United States-Mexico international border. NBR submitted a request to Western Area Power Administration (Western), another organizational unit within DOE, to interconnect the double-circuit 500-kV electric transmission line to Western's existing Gila Substation. The Applicants proposed that Western construct, own, operate, and maintain the transmission components within the United States at the Applicants' expense. Western's decision is to allow the Applicants to interconnect with its transmission system at Gila Substation, and to construct the Agency Preferred Alternative upon completion of Western's Large Generator Interconnection Procedures (LGIP) process. Accordingly, Western intends to enter into interconnection and construction agreements with NBR, and to construct, own, operate, and maintain the transmission system additions in the United States that would allow the interconnection.
Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, NV and Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada-Nevada Rail Transportation Corridor and Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a Rail Alignment for the Construction and Operation of a Railroad in Nevada to a Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, NV
The Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) announces the availability of two draft National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents related to its Yucca Mountain Project: Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada (DOE/EIS-0250F-S1D) (Draft Repository SEIS), and the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, NevadaNevada Rail Transportation Corridor (Draft Nevada Rail Corridor SEIS) (DOE/EIS-0250F-S2D) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a Rail Alignment for the Construction and Operation of a Railroad in Nevada to a Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada (DOE/EIS-0369D) (Draft Rail Alignment EIS). The Department has prepared these documents consistent with NEPA, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations that implement the procedural provisions of NEPA (40 CFR parts 1500-1508), and DOE procedures implementing NEPA (10 CFR part 1021). Nye County, Nevada, the location of the proposed Yucca Mountain repository, participated as a cooperating agency in the preparation of the Draft Repository SEIS. The U.S. Air Force, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and the Surface Transportation Board participated as cooperating agencies in the preparation of the Draft Nevada Rail Corridor SEIS and Draft Rail Alignment EIS. DOE invites interested parties to comment on the two documents during a 90-day public comment period. During the public comment period, DOE will hold eight public hearings at six locations in Nevada, one location in California, and one location in Washington, DC, the locations and times of which are described below.
Energy Conservation Program for Commercial Equipment: Distribution Transformers Energy Conservation Standards; Final Rule
The Department of Energy (DOE) has determined that energy conservation standards for liquid-immersed and medium-voltage, dry-type distribution transformers will result in significant conservation of energy, are technologically feasible, and are economically justified. On this basis, DOE is today adopting energy conservation standards for liquid-immersed and medium-voltage, dry-type distribution transformers. Today's rule does not set energy conservation standards for underground mining distribution transformers.
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