Department of Defense February 15, 2007 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Suspension of the Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Businesses
Document Number: E7-2687
Type: Notice
Date: 2007-02-15
Agency: Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Department of Defense
The Director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy has suspended the use of the price evaluation adjustment for small disadvantaged businesses (SDBs) in DoD procurements, as required by 10 U.S.C. 2323(e)(3), because DoD exceeded its 5 percent goal for contract awards to SDBs in fiscal year 2006. The suspension will be in effect for 1 year and will be reevaluated based on the level of DoD contract awards to SDBs achieved in fiscal year 2007.
Department of Defense Task Force on the Future of the Military Health Care
Document Number: 07-727
Type: Notice
Date: 2007-02-15
Agency: Office of the Secretary, Department of Defense
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, as amended (5 U.S.C., Appendix) and the Sunshine in the Government Act of 1976, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552b(c)), announcement is made of the following meeting: Name of Committee: The Department of Defense Task Force on the Future of the Military Health Care, a duly established subcommittee of the Defense Health Board. Date: March 7, 2007. Times: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Location: The National Transportation Safety Board Conference Center located at 429 L'Enfant Plaza, Washington, DC 20594. Agenda: The purpose of the Task Force meeting is to obtain, review, and evaluate information related to the Task Force's congressionally- directed mission to examine matters relating to the future of military health care. The Task Force members will receive briefings on topics related to the delivery of military health care. Prior to the public meeting the Task Force will conduct an Administrative Meeting from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. to discuss administrative matters of the Task Force. In addition, the Task Force, following its public meeting, will conduct a Preparatory Meeting from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. to work with the Task Force staff to analyze relevant issues and facts in preparation for the next meeting of the Task Force. Both the Administrative and Preparatory Meetings will be held at the National Transportation Safety Board Conference Center. Pursuant to 41 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 102-3.160, both the Administrative and Preparatory Meetings will be closed to the public. Additional information and meeting registration is available online at the Defense Health Board Web site,
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