National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration May 31, 2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 6 of 6
Pacific Fishery Management Council (Pacific Council); Public Meeting
The Pacific Council and its advisory entities will hold public meetings.
Endangered Species; File Nos. 17557 and 17273
Notice is hereby given that the National Ocean Service Marine Forensic Lab (NOS Lab) [Responsible Party: M. Katherine Moore], 219 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston, SC 29412 (File No. 17557), and the NOAA Fisheries Northeast Region, Protected Resources Division [Responsible Party: Mary Colligan], 1 Blackburn Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930 (File No. 17273), have applied in due form for permits to take marine mammal and endangered species parts for purposes of scientific research.
Endangered Species; File No. 17452
Notice is hereby given that Caleb Slater, Massachusetts Division of Fish and Wildlife, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA, 01581, has applied in due form for a permit to take shortnose (Acipenser brevirostrum) and Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) for purposes of scientific research.
Caribbean Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings
The Caribbean Fishery Management Council's Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) will hold meetings.
Western Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings
The Western Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) will hold its 113th Scientific and Statistical Committee, Executive and Budget Standing Committee, Pelagic and International and Protected Species Standing Committee and the 157th Council Meeting to take actions on fishery management issues in the Western Pacific Region.
Western Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings; Correction
The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council's (Council) will convene meetings of its Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam and Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI) Archipelagic Advisory Panels (APs) and the Hawaii Regional Ecosystem Advisory Committee (REAC). See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for specific times, dates, and agenda items.
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