Department of Commerce October 25, 2023 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 12 of 12
New England Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting; Correction
The New England Fishery Management Council (Council) is scheduling a public meeting of its Joint Groundfish Committee, Advisory Panel and Recreational Advisory Panel via webinar to consider actions affecting New England fisheries in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Recommendations from this group will be brought to the full Council for formal consideration and action, if appropriate.
Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Fisheries; 2024 Fishing Quotas for Atlantic Surfclams and Ocean Quahogs; and Suspension of Atlantic Surfclam Minimum Size Limit
NMFS announces that the quotas for the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries for 2024 will remain status quo. NMFS also suspends the minimum size limit for Atlantic surfclams for the 2024 fishing year. Regulations for these fisheries require NMFS to notify the public of the allowable harvest levels for Atlantic surfclams and ocean quahogs from the Exclusive Economic Zone even if the previous year's quota specifications remain unchanged. The 2024 quotas were previously announced as projected values. This action confirms the final quotas are unchanged from those projections. This action would not result in harm to these fisheries.
Gas Powered Pressure Washers From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Antidumping Duty Order
Based on affirmative final determinations by the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) and the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), Commerce is issuing an antidumping duty order on gas powered pressure washers (pressure washers) from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Vietnam).
Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Geophysical Surveys Related to Oil and Gas Activities in the Gulf of Mexico
In accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), as amended, its implementing regulations, and NMFS' MMPA Regulations for Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Geophysical Surveys Related to Oil and Gas Activities in the Gulf of Mexico, notification is hereby given that a Letter of Authorization (LOA) has been issued to Echo Offshore LLC (Echo) for the take of marine mammals incidental to geophysical survey activity in the Gulf of Mexico.
Export Controls on Semiconductor Manufacturing Items
On October 7, 2022, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) released the interim final rule (IFR) ``Implementation of Additional Export Controls: Certain Advanced Computing and Semiconductor Manufacturing Items; Supercomputer and Semiconductor End Use'' (October 7 IFR), which amended the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to implement controls on advanced computing integrated circuits (ICs), computer commodities that contain such ICs, and certain semiconductor manufacturing items. The October 7 IFR also made other EAR changes to ensure appropriate related controls, including on certain ``U.S. person'' activities. This IFR addresses comments received in response to only the part of the October 7 IFR that controls semiconductor manufacturing equipment (SME) and amends the EAR to implement SME controls more effectively and to address ongoing national security concerns.
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Reallocation of Pacific Cod in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area
NMFS is reallocating the projected unused amount of Pacific cod from trawl catcher vessels to the Amendment 80 sector in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area (BSAI). This action is necessary to allow the 2023 total allowable catch (TAC) of Pacific cod to be harvested.
Implementation of Additional Export Controls: Certain Advanced Computing Items; Supercomputer and Semiconductor End Use; Updates and Corrections
On October 7, 2022, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) released the interim final rule (IFR), ``Implementation of Additional Export Controls: Certain Advanced Computing and Semiconductor Manufacturing Items; Supercomputer and Semiconductor End Use; Entity List Modification'' (October 7 IFR), which amended the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to implement controls on advanced computing integrated circuits (ICs), computer commodities that contain such ICs, and certain semiconductor manufacturing items, and to make other EAR changes to implement appropriate related controls, including on certain ``U.S. person'' activities. This Advanced Computing/ Supercomputing IFR (AC/S IFR) addresses comments received in response to only the part of the October 7 IFR that controls advanced computing ICs and computer commodities that contain such ICs. This rule also makes other changes to make the controls more effective and less burdensome, including by correcting and clarifying the controls to more effectively achieve the policy objectives identified in the October 7 IFR. This AC/S IFR is published concurrently with a second BIS IFR, ``Export Controls on Semiconductor Manufacturing Items,'' which addresses public comments received in response to other portions of the October 7 IFR. Together, these IFRs revise the October 7 IFR controls to more effectively achieve BIS's focused national security policy objectives. These revisions protect U.S. national security interests by further restricting China's ability to obtain critical technologies to modernize its military capabilities in ways that threaten the national security interests of the United States and its allies.
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