Department of Commerce December 15, 2017 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 5 of 5
Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Skate Complex; Adjustment to the Skate Wing Inseason Possession Limit
NMFS announces the reduction of the commercial skate wing fishery per-trip possession limit for the remainder of the 2017 fishing year, through April 30, 2018. This possession limit reduction is necessary to prevent the skate wing commercial quota from being exceeded, while still allowing the opportunity to harvest the annual total allowable landings. This announcement also informs the public that the skate wing possession limit is reduced.
Limitation of Duty-Free Imports of Apparel Articles Assembled in Haiti Under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA), as Amended by the Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act (HOPE)
CBERA, as amended, provides duty-free treatment for certain apparel articles imported directly from Haiti. One of the preferences is known as the ``value-added'' provision, which requires that apparel meet a minimum threshold percentage of value added in Haiti, the United States, and/or certain beneficiary countries. The provision is subject to a quantitative limitation, which is calculated as a percentage of total apparel imports into the United States for each 12-month annual period. For the annual period from December 20, 2017 through December 19, 2018, the quantity of imports eligible for preferential treatment under the value-added provision is 361,603,399 square meters equivalent.
Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Gray Triggerfish Management Measures; Amendment 46
NMFS issues regulations to implement management measures described in Amendment 46 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico (FMP), as prepared by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Council) (Amendment 46). For gray triggerfish, this final rule revises the recreational fixed closed season, recreational bag limit, recreational minimum size limit, and commercial trip limit. Additionally, Amendment 46 establishes a new rebuilding time period for the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) gray triggerfish stock. The purpose of this final rule is to implement management measures to assist in rebuilding the Gulf gray triggerfish stock and achieve optimum yield (OY).
Monosodium Glutamate From the People's Republic of China: Notice of Court Decision Not in Harmony With Second Amended Final Determination in Less Than Fair Value Investigation and Notice of Third Amended Final Determination
On November 3, 2017, the Court of International Trade (CIT or Court) sustained the final remand results pertaining to the less than fair value investigation of monosodium glutamate (MSG) from the People's Republic of China (PRC). The Department of Commerce (the Department) is notifying the public that the final judgment in this case is not in harmony with the second amended final determination of the less than fair value investigation and that the Department is amending the second amended final determination with respect to the dumping margins assigned to Langfang Meihua Bio-Technology Co., Ltd.'s (Meihua).
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