Department of Commerce September 13, 2017 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 9 of 9
Fisheries of the South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Amendment
The SEDAR Steering Committee will meet to discuss the SEDAR process and assessment schedule.
Western Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting
The Western Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) will hold a meeting of its Social Science Planning Committee (SSPC) in Honolulu, HI.
Fisheries of the South Atlantic; South Atlantic Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings
The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) will hold a meeting of its Citizen Science Advisory Panel Finance Action Team via webinar.
Certain Stilbenic Optical Brightening Agents From Taiwan: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2015-2016
On June 6, 2017, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published the preliminary results of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain stilbenic optical brightening agents (stilbenic OBAs) from Taiwan. The period of review (POR) is May 1, 2015, through April 30, 2016. For the final results of this review, we continue to find that subject merchandise has not been sold in the United States by Teh Fong Ming International Co., Ltd. (TFM) at prices below normal value during the POR.
Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews
The Department of Commerce (the Department) has received requests to conduct administrative reviews of various antidumping and countervailing duty orders and findings with July anniversary dates. In accordance with the Department's regulations, we are initiating those administrative reviews.
Endangered Species; File No. 21169
Notice is hereby given that Inwater Research Group, Inc. [Responsible Party: Michael Bresette], 4160 NE Hyline Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957, has applied in due form for a permit to take green (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii), and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles for purposes of scientific research.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Annual Northern Seal Subsistence Harvest Reporting and St. George Harvest Management Plan
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Marine Mammals; File No. 21422
Notice is hereby given that James Lloyd-Smith, Ph.D., Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90095, has applied in due form for a permit to conduct research on marine mammals.
Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to a Pile Driving Activities for Waterfront Repairs at the U.S. Coast Guard Station Monterey, Monterey, California
NMFS has received a request from the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to pile driving activities for waterfront repairs at the USCG Monterey Station in Monterey, California. Pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS is requesting comments on its proposal to issue an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to take marine mammals during the specified activities. NMFS will consider public comments prior to making any final decision on the issuance of the requested MMPA authorization and agency responses will be summarized in the final notice of our decision.
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