Department of Commerce September 18, 2014 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 15 of 15
Chlorinated Iscoyanurates From Japan: Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value
The Department of Commerce (``the Department'') determines that chlorinated isocyanurates (``chlorinated isos'') from Japan is being, or is likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (``LTFV''), as provided in section 733(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (``the Act''). The final weighted-average dumping margins are listed below in the section entitled ``Final Determination Margins.''
International Fisheries; Pacific Tuna Fisheries; Fishing Restrictions in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, Whale Shark Conservation Measures
NMFS is issuing regulations under the Tuna Conventions Act to implement a resolution of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) intended to conserve whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). This final rule would prohibit setting a purse seine net on whale sharks, and would require certain measures to protect whale sharks in the event that a whale shark is encircled in a purse seine net. This rulemaking is necessary for the United States to satisfy its obligations as a member of the IATTC.
Addition and Modification of Certain Persons on the Entity List; and Removal of Certain Persons From the Entity List
This rule amends the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) by adding twenty-eight persons under thirty-four entries to the Entity List. The twenty-eight persons who are added to the Entity List have been determined by the U.S. Government to be acting contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States. These twenty-eight persons will be listed on the Entity List under the destinations of Afghanistan, Armenia, Australia, China, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Pakistan, Singapore, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), and United Kingdom (U.K.). There are thirty-four entries for twenty-eight persons because two persons are listed under multiple countries, resulting in six additional entries. Specifically, the six additional entries cover one person in China who also has addresses in Hong Kong and one person in Pakistan who also has addresses in Armenia, Greece, India, the U.A.E., and the U.K. This final rule makes modifications to two existing entries on the Entity List to provide additional addresses and subordinates in those entries. This rule also removes three persons from the Entity List, as the result of a determination made by the End-User Review Committee (ERC).
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Seabird Monitoring and Research in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, 2014
In accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) regulations, we, NMFS, hereby give notification that the National Marine Fisheries Service has issued an Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) to Glacier Bay National Park (Glacier Bay NP), to take marine mammals, by Level B harassment, incidental to conducting seabird monitoring and research activities in Alaska, September 2014.
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; 2006 Consolidated Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan; Amendment 9
On August 7, 2014, NMFS published a proposed rule on Draft Amendment 9 to the 2006 Consolidated Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fishery Management Plan (FMP) to consider management measures in the smoothhound shark and other Atlantic shark fisheries. As described in the proposed rule, NMFS is proposing measures that would: (1) Establish an effective date for previously-adopted smoothhound shark management measures finalized in Amendment 3 to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP (Amendment 3) and the 2011 HMS Trawl Rule; (2) increase the smoothhound shark annual quota previously finalized in Amendment 3 using updated landings data; (3) implement the smooth dogfish-specific provisions in the Shark Conservation Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-348) (SCA); (4) implement the Atlantic shark gillnet requirements of a 2012 Shark Biological Opinion; and (5) modify current regulations related to the use of vessel monitoring systems (VMS) by Atlantic shark fishermen using gillnet gear. In this notice, NMFS announces the dates and logistics for two public hearings and two webinars to provide the opportunity for public comment on measures described in the proposed rule and Draft Amendment 9.
Privacy Act New System of Records
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) publishes this notice to announce the effective date of a Privacy Act System of Records entitled Commerce/NOAA-15, Monitoring of National Marine Fisheries Service Observers. The notice of proposed amendment to this system of records was published in the Federal Register on July 31, 2014.
Infrastructure Business Development Mission to Morocco, Egypt, and Jordan December 3-11, 2014
The United States Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, is amending the Notice published at 79 FR 23933 (April 29, 2014), regarding the executive-led Infrastructure Business Development Mission to Morocco, Egypt and Jordan, scheduled for December 3-11, 2014, to extend the date of the application deadline from September 12, 2014 to the new deadline of September 30, 2014.
Notice on Roundtable on International Harmonization of Substantive Patent Law
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is seeking input on certain matters relating to the international harmonization of substantive patent law. In view of the importance of harmonization of substantive patent law to the successful reutilization of the examination work of one intellectual property office by another, or work sharing, the USPTO is particularly interested in stakeholder comments on the following key patent examination-related issues: The definition and scope of prior art; the grace period; and standards for assessing novelty and obviousness/inventive step. To assist in gathering this information, the USPTO is holding a public roundtable which interested members of the public are invited to attend.
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC); Public Meeting
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) will conduct a question and answer session via webinar with NMFS's Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP).
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