Department of Agriculture May 30, 2019 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 5 of 5
WTO Agricultural Quantity-Based Safeguard Trigger Levels
This notice lists the updated quantity-based trigger levels for products which may be subject to additional import duties under the safeguard provisions of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture. This notice also includes the relevant period applicable for the trigger levels on each of the listed products.
Revision of the Land Management Plan for El Yunque National Forest
Sharon Wallace, the Forest Supervisor for El Yunque National Forest, Southern Region, has signed the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Revised Land Management Plan (Forest Plan) for El Yunque National Forest. The final ROD documents the rationale for approving the Forest Plan and is consistent with the Reviewing Officer's response to objections and instructions.
Lincoln National Forest; Lincoln, Otero, Eddy and Chaves Counties, New Mexico; Revision of the Land Management Plan for the Lincoln National Forest
The USDA Forest Service is revising the Land Management Plan (Forest Plan) for the Lincoln National Forest and preparing an environmental impact statement (EIS). This notice describes the documents available for review and how to obtain them; summarizes the needs for change to the existing Forest Plan; identifies where a Preliminary Draft Forest Plan (detailed proposed action) can be obtained; provides information concerning public participation and collaboration, including the process for submitting comments; provides an estimated schedule for the planning process, including the time available for comments, and includes the names and addresses of agency contacts who can provide additional information.
Approval of Laboratories To Conduct Official Testing; Consolidation of Regulations
We are proposing to consolidate the regulations governing diagnostic laboratory approval authorities for select animal diseases into a single regulation and establish a set of standard procedures which we may use to conduct future diagnostic laboratory approvals. The consolidated regulations would provide consistent inspection protocols, proficiency testing methods, quality system guidelines, and definitions. This would also facilitate the approval of additional laboratories in emergency situations. The consolidated regulations would serve to simplify regulatory oversight and compliance.
Marketing Order Regulating the Handling of Spearmint Oil Produced in the Far West; Increased Assessment Rate
This proposed rule would implement a recommendation from the Far West Spearmint Oil Administrative Committee (Committee) to increase the assessment rate established for the 2019-2020 and subsequent marketing years. The assessment rate would remain in effect indefinitely unless modified, suspended, or terminated.
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