Department of Agriculture February 23, 2016 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 9 of 9
National Organic Program: USDA Organic Regulations
This document addresses the 2016 Sunset Review submitted to the Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary) through the Agricultural Marketing Service's (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP) by the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) following the NOSB's October 2014 and April 2015 meetings. The 2016 Sunset Review pertains to the NOSB's review of the need for the continued allowance for seven substances on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List). Consistent with the NOSB's review, this publication provides notice on the renewal of five synthetic and two nonsynthetic substances on the National List, along with any restrictive annotations. For substances that have been renewed on the National List, this document completes the 2016 National List Sunset Process.
Blueberry Promotion, Research and Information Order; Continuance Referendum
This document directs that a referendum be conducted among eligible producers and importers of highbush blueberries to determine whether they favor continuance of the Blueberry Promotion, Research and Information Order (Order).
Softwood Lumber Research, Promotion, Consumer Education and Industry Information Order; Continuance Referendum
This document directs that a referendum be conducted among eligible domestic manufacturers and importers of softwood lumber to determine whether they favor continuance of the Softwood Lumber Research, Promotion, Consumer Education and Industry Information Order (Order).
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; State Administrative Expense Funds
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on this information collection. This collection is a revision of a currently approved collection for State administrative expense funds expended in the operation of the Child Nutrition Programs (7 CFR parts 210, 215, 220, 226 and 250) administered under the Child Nutrition Act of 1966. The current approval for the information collection burden associated with 7 CFR part 235 expires on May 31, 2016.
National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection
The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is announcing that the National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection (NACMPI) is sponsoring a public meeting on March 29-30, 2016. The objective of the public meeting is to review and determine the steps FSIS should take to ensure better Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) control at retail. FSIS is seeking input on whether FSIS should require certain actions by retail stores. FSIS will ask the Committee to consider the following: (1) Should FSIS rely on regulation, the Food Code, or some other means to effect these actions? (2) Are there sources of information that FSIS should consider when deciding on what steps to take that the Agency has not identified? NACMPI will also review and discuss whether FSIS should pursue mandatory features on the label of processed not ready to eat (NRTE) products that do not appear to be ``not ready to eat.'' For example: (1) Should all NRTE products be required to bear the statement ``raw meat/poultry, for safety cook thoroughly''? (2) Are there other steps FSIS should consider requiring of processors to prevent illnesses involving these products?
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests; Colorado; Federal Coal Lease Modifications COC-1362 & COC-67232
The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests (GMUG) is considering whether or not to consent to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) modifying the Federal Coal Leases COC-1362 and COC- 67232 by adding 800 and 922 acres, respectively, to them. If the GMUG does consent to lease, it will prescribe conditions (as stipulations) for the protection of non-mineral resources. BLM will, in turn, decide whether or not to grant lease modifications and will further decide, if leased, whether or not to permit on-lease exploration consistent with lease terms. Subsequent mine plan modification activities may be permitted by Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM). Previous GMUG and BLM analyses and decisions were vacated by U.S. District Court for Colorado (1:13-cv-01723-RBJ) on September 11, 2014 for issues related to econonic analysis on the agencies' leasing analysis and BLM's exploration analysis of recreation impacts and a redundant road. A Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is being prepared to correct Court-identified deficiencies and to update analysis, as needed, since the Final EIS in 2012 and BLM's Environmental Assessment (EA) in 2013. The leasing and exploration analyses will be combined into a single document for agency and public convenience.
Recognizing European Union (EU) and EU Member State Regionalization Decisions for African Swine Fever (ASF) by Updating the APHIS List of Regions Affected With ASF
We are advising the public that we added European Union (EU) and EU Member State-defined regions of the EU to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) list of regions affected with African swine fever (ASF). Going forward we will recognize as affected with ASF any region of the EU that the EU or any EU Member State has placed under restriction because of detection of ASF. These regions currently include portions of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland, and all of Sardinia. APHIS will list the EU- and EU Member State-defined regions as a single entity. We also removed Sardinia as an individually listed region from the APHIS list of ASF affected regions. We took these actions because of the detection of ASF in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.
Golden Nematode; Removal of Regulated Areas in Orleans, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties, New York
We are adopting as a final rule, without change, an interim rule that amended the golden nematode regulations by removing areas in Orleans, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties in the State of New York from the list of generally infested areas. The interim rule was necessary to relieve restrictions on the movement of regulated articles from areas no longer under quarantine for golden nematode. As a result of the interim rule, movement of such articles from areas no longer under quarantine can proceed while preventing the spread of golden nematode from infested areas to noninfested areas of the United States.
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