Department of Agriculture August 7, 2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 4 of 4
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection;
The Food and Nutrition Service is correcting this notice, which invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on this proposed information collection. This notice was published in the Federal Register on July 26, 2013. This notice corrects where and to whom the comments are to be sent.
Notice of New Recreation Fee
The Prescott National Forest is proposing to charge a fee at the new Eagle Ridge Group Campground near Prescott, Arizona, constructed in 2011. Eagle Ridge Group Campground has two sites with the following proposed fees: (1) Osprey recreation fee is proposed at $75/night for up to 50 persons or $125/night for up to 75 persons; (2) Peregrine recreation fee is proposed at $50/night for 1-25 persons. Rental of other facilities on the Prescott National Forest and other Arizona National Forests has shown that publics appreciate and enjoy the availability of group rental facilities. Funds from the fee revenue will be used for the continued operation and maintenance of Eagle Ridge Group Campground.
Conservation Reserve Program, Re-Enrollment
This rule makes a technical correction to the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) regulations to clarify that land with use restrictions that prohibit the production of agricultural commodities, typically through an easement or other deed restrictions, is not eligible for re-enrollment in CRP. This is not a new policy and would not have affected any program determinations for recent CRP sign ups, had this change been specified in the regulations at the time. This amendment will improve the regulations by maintaining consistency with longstanding policy. This rule corrects a provision in the current regulations that allows re-enrollment in CRP of land with easements or other deed restrictions that restrict the production of agricultural commodities. A 2003 interim rule inadvertently added that provision through an incorrect cross-reference, but clearly stated in the preamble that the intent was to exclude land with such easements or deed restrictions from re-enrollment. The purpose of CRP is to cost- effectively assist producers in conserving and improving soil, water, wildlife, and other natural resources by converting environmentally- sensitive acreage from the production of agricultural commodities to a long-term vegetative cover.
Information Collection; Guaranteed Farm Loan Program
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Farm Service Agency (FSA) is seeking comments from all interested individuals and organizations on the extension and revision of a currently approved information collection associated with the Guaranteed Farm Loan Program. This information collection is used to make and service loans guaranteed by FSA to eligible farmers and ranchers.
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