Department of Agriculture July 16, 2010 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Dairy Product Price Support Program and Dairy Indemnity Payment Program
This rule specifies regulations for the Dairy Product Price Support Program (DPPSP), which has replaced the Price Support Program for Milk, and amends regulations for the Dairy Indemnity Payment Program (DIPP). The two programs are authorized by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (the 2008 Farm Bill) through 2012. The DPPSP supports the price of cheddar cheese, butter, and nonfat dry milk by providing a standing offer from Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) to purchase those products at specific support prices. This rule specifies the minimum price support levels for cheddar cheese, butter, and nonfat dry milk. This rule also specifies the minimum price at which CCC may sell dairy products from inventory. DIPP indemnifies dairy farmers and manufacturers of dairy products for losses suffered due to contamination of milk and milk products. This rule extends DIPP through 2012 and amends the method through which DIPP payments will be disbursed in the event that available appropriated funds are insufficient to pay all claims. That method is changing from a pro rata method to a first-come, first-paid basis.
Asparagus Revenue Market Loss Assistance Payment Program
The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) proposes regulations to implement the new Asparagus Revenue Market Loss Assistance Payment (ALAP) Program authorized by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (the 2008 Farm Bill). The purpose of the program is to compensate domestic asparagus producers for marketing losses resulting from imports during the 2004 through 2007 crop years. Payments will be calculated based on 2003 crop production. Through the ALAP Program, CCC is authorized to provide up to $15 million in direct payments to asparagus producers. This rule proposes eligibility requirements, payment application procedures, and the method for calculating individual payments. This rule also proposes new information collection for the payment application.
Sorghum Promotion and Research Program: Procedures for the Conduct of Referenda
The Commodity Promotion, Research, and Information Act of 1996 (Act) authorizes a program of promotion, research, and information to be developed through the promulgation of the Sorghum Promotion, Research, and Information Order (Order). The Act requires that the Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary) conduct a referendum among persons subject to assessments who, during a representative period established by the Secretary, have engaged in the production or importation of sorghum. This proposed rule establishes procedures the Department of Agriculture (USDA) would use in conducting the required referendum as well as future referenda. Eligible persons would be provided the opportunity to vote during a specified period announced by USDA. For the program to continue, it must be approved, with an affirmative vote, by at least a majority of those persons voting who were engaged in the production or importation of sorghum during the representative period.
Emergency Conservation Program
This document presents the Record of Decision (ROD) regarding the changes made to the Emergency Conservation Program (ECP). ECP provides emergency funding to owners, operators, and tenants of farms and ranches who suffered damage to their certain lands as a result of a natural disaster. Under the Proposed Action, Farm Service Agency (FSA) could expand ECP eligibility to other types of farmland, namely land that is timberland, or is a roadbed on an area of land that is eligible for ECP, and also farmsteads, feedlots, and grain bins. To implement the Proposed Action, FSA would develop a proposed rule to expand upon current regulations to reflect changes to the policy that currently only extends the ECP to traditional cropland and forage land. Any proposal to change any rule would be subject to public comment and to consideration and rejection as the circumstances, further reflection, and public comments might warrant. In the interim, however, FSA is inviting comments on the ROD. The ECP Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) tiers from the Emergency Conservation Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement completed in 2003 and published in the Federal Register on March 4, 2004. The SEIS analyzes the impacts of the Proposed Action on the nation's environmental resources and economy. The No Action alternative (continuation of current ECP with no modifications) is also analyzed and to provide an environmental baseline.
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