Department of Agriculture June 15, 2010 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Notice of a New Fee Site; Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (Title VIII, Pub. L. 108-447)
The Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest is proposing to begin charging a $5.00 daily user fee or accept the $20 annual user vehicle sticker at the Beck Road Trailhead based upon other Forest Service multiple use trailhead facilities across the Forest. The newly constructed Beck Road Trailhead on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest will provide a much needed trailhead facility for the public to utilize to enjoy the motorized and non-motorized trails and routes south of U.S. Highway 2. This site will also assist in helping to increase the amount of visitation to the local communities of Drummond, Barnes, Cable, Delta, and Iron River. The funds collected at the Beck Road Trailhead will be used for the year round operation and maintenance of this site. People are invited to comment on this proposal.
Notice of a New Fee Site; Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (Title VIII, Pub. L. 108-447); Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest
The Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest is proposing to begin charging a $5.00 daily user fee or accept the $20 annual user vehicle sticker at the Wanoka Trailhead based upon other Forest Service multiple use trailhead facilities across the Forest. The Wanoka Trailhead on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest will provide a much needed trailhead facility for the public to utilize to enjoy the motorized and non-motorized trails and routes north and south of US Highway 2. This site will also assist in helping to increase the amount of visitation to the local communities of Ashland, Drummond, Barnes, Cable, Delta, and Iron River. The funds collected at the Wanoka Trailhead will be used for the year round operation and maintenance of this site. People are invited to comment on this proposal.
Notice of Proposed Change to Section IV of the Virginia State Technical Guide
It has been determined by the NRCS State Conservationist for Virginia that changes must be made in the NRCS State Technical Guide specifically in practice standards: 366, Anaerobic Digester. These practices will be used to plan and install conservation practices on cropland, pastureland, woodland, and wildlife land.
Notice of Proposed Changes to the National Handbook of Conservation Practices for the Natural Resources Conservation Service
Notice is hereby given of the intention of NRCS to issue a series of revised conservation practice standards in the National Handbook of Conservation Practices. These standards include: Animal Mortality Facility (Code 316), Critical Area Planting (Code 342), Composting Facility (Code 317), Grazing Land Mechanical Treatment (Code 548), Hedgerow Planting (422), Irrigation Canal or Lateral (Code 320), Irrigation Land Leveling (Code 464), Irrigation System, Surface, and Subsurface (Code 443), Riparian Herbaceous Cover (Code 390), Rock Barrier (Code 555), Roofs and Covers (Code 367), Runoff Management System (Code 570), Shallow Water Development and Management (Code 646), Streambank and Shoreline Protection (Code 580), Upland Wildlife Habitat Management (Code 645), and Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management (Code 644). NRCS State Conservationists who choose to adopt these practices for use within their State will incorporate them into section IV of their respective electronic Field Office Technical Guide. These practices may be used in conservation systems that treat highly erodible land (HEL) or on land determined to be a wetland. Section 343 of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 requires NRCS to make available for public review and comment all proposed revisions to conservation practice standards used to carry out HEL and wetland provisions of the law.
Information Collection; Virtual Incident Procurement (VIPR) System Existing Vendor Survey
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Forest Service is seeking comments from all interested individuals and organizations on the new information collection, Virtual Incident Procurement (VIPR) System Existing Vendor User Survey.
Announcement of the Availability of the Final Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, Solicitation of Written Comments on the Report, and Invitation for Oral Testimony at a Public Meeting
The Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (a) announce the availability of the final Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 (Report); (b) solicit written comments on the Report; and (c) provide notice of a public meeting to solicit oral comments on the Report.
Tart Cherries Grown in the States of Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin; Withdrawal of Proposed Rule
The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is withdrawing a proposed rule published in the June 4, 2010 [75 FR 31719], issue of the Federal Register, inviting written exceptions to proposed amendments to Marketing Agreement and Order No. 930 (order), which regulates the handling of tart cherries grown in Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin. The proposed rule was published in error.
Tart Cherries Grown in the States of Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin; Order Amending Marketing Order No. 930
This final rule amends Marketing Order No. 930 (order), which regulates the handling of tart cherries grown in Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin. The amendments were proposed by the Cherry Industry Administrative Board (Board), which is responsible for local administration of the order. These amendments will: Authorize changing the primary reserve capacity associated with the volume control provisions of the order; authorize establishment of a minimum inventory level at which all remaining product held in reserves would be released to handlers for use as free tonnage; establish an age limitation on product placed into reserves; revise the nomination and election process for handler members on the Board; revise Board membership affiliation requirements; and update order language to more accurately reflect grower and handler participation in the nomination and election process in districts with only one Board representative.
Notice of Proposed New Recreation Fee Sites; Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (Title VIII, Pub. L. 108-447)
Moss Knob Shooting Range, Nantahala National Forest, provides a range of target opportunities near Franklin, NC. Open year-round, this facility features six covered shooting stations. A permanent vault toilet, trash containers and an information board are on-site amenities. The Forest Service proposes to charge $3 per person per day for shooters aged 16 and over. (Shooters under the age of 16 may shoot at no fee when accompanied by an adult.) An annual pass will be available for $25 per person, and will allow use of two other shooting ranges in the Nantahala National Forest.
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