Department of Agriculture January 25, 2007 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Information Collection; Annual Wildfire Summary Report
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Forest Service is seeking comments from all interested individuals and organizations on the extension of a currently approved information collection; Annual Wildfire Summary Report.
Scriver Creek Integrated Restoration Project, Boise National Forest, ID
The Emmett Ranger District of the Boise National Forest will prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) for a resource management project in the Scriver Creek drainage. The entire project area is located in watersheds that drain into the Middle Fork Payette River. The 11,500-acre project area is located approximately 6 miles north of Crouch, Idaho. The agency invites written comments and suggestions on the scope of the analysis. The agency also hereby gives notice of the environmental analysis and decisionmaking process that will occur on the proposal so interested and affected people are aware of how they may participate and contribute to final decision. At this time, no public meetings to discuss the project are planned. Proposed Action: Three purposes have been identified for the project: (1) Modify stand density, structure, species composition, and surface fuels to restore suitable white-headed woodpecker and flammulated owl habitat, in addition to providing forest conditions that are more resistant to insects, disease and wildfire; (2) initiate watershed restoration within the Scriver Creek 6th Field hydrologic unit (subwatershed) to improve watershed conditions and reduce long- term sedimentation caused by existing roads, in addition to reducing road-related impacts to wildlife, fish, soil, and water resources; (3) provide commercial timber that supports local and/or regional sawmills, employment, and economies. The Proposed Action would implement silvicultural activities, including thinning of commercial trees on 2,826 acres (570 acres of commercial thinning, 1,445 acres of commercial thinning followed by prescribed fire, and 811 acres of commercial thinning followed by machine pile and burning). An estimated 928 acres would be harvested with off-road jammer/tractor, 870 acres would be skyline logged and a helicopter would harvest about 1,028 acres. The Proposed Action would employ silvicultural prescriptions including commercial thin, and thinning of submerchantable trees occurring naturally and within about 846 acres of existing plantations. Approximately 16.5 miles of road would be decommissioned, of which an estimated 0.7 mile or road would be decommissioned while leaving the existing drainage and road prism sufficient for a future motorized trail. Approximately 16.1 miles of road improvement on National Forest System (NFS) roads 693, 6930, 695B, and 696 would take place. Roughly 2.4 miles of new specified road and approximately 1.1 miles of temporary road would be constructed to facilitate harvest activities. Approximately 3.8 miles of NFS roads 696 and 693B would be realigned to eliminate roads and road segments paralleling within Riparian Conservation Area (RCA) corridors, and 1.3 miles of NFS road 693A would be reconstructed. Fish passage would be restored by replacing or removing the existing culvert on NFS road 693A and two culverts on NFS roads 693 and 695 would be replaced with fish passable structures. All perennial crossings would have up to 300 feet of surface gravel applied on both sides of the crossing on those roads used in conjunction with timber harvest (except for roads to be decommissioned). Twelve helicopter landings would be developed. Except for administrative use, about 20.5 miles of authorized roads would be closed year-round to motorized use after vegetation treatments are complete. Preliminary Issues: Preliminary concerns with the Proposed Action include potential impacts on water quality and terrestrial wildlife species. Possible Alternatives to the Proposed Action: One alternative to the Proposed Action that has been discussed thus far is a No Action alternative. Other alternatives will likely be developed as issues are identified and information received. Decisions to be Made: The Boise National Forest Supervisor will decide the following: (1) Should vegetation be managed within the project area at this time, and if so, which stands should be treated and what silvicultural systems applied? (2) Should roads be built at this time, and if so, how many miles should be built and where should they occur within the project area? (3) Should identified road maintenance activities occur at this time? (4) Should road decommissioning and realignment take place and which roads and how would this happen? (5) What design features, mitigation measures, and/ or monitoring should be applied to the project?
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