Bureau of Reclamation January 9, 2015 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Notice of Availability and Notice of Public Meeting for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for the North Valley Regional Recycled Water Program
The Bureau of Reclamation and the City of Modesto have made available for public review and comment the North Valley Regional Recycled Water Program Draft Environmental Impact Statement/ Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR). The North Valley Regional Recycled Water Program would provide recycled water from the Cities of Turlock and Modesto via the Central Valley Project's Delta-Mendota Canal to Del Puerto Water District for irrigation purposes, and would further provide annual supplemental water to south of the Sacramento- San Joaquin River Delta Central Valley Project Improvement Act designated wildlife refuges for wetlands.
Notice of Public Review and Comment Period Extension for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Central Valley Project Municipal and Industrial Water Shortage Policy, Central Valley, California
The Bureau of Reclamation is extending the public review and comment period for the Central Valley Project Municipal and Industrial Water Shortage Policy Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Draft EIS was initially noticed by Reclamation on November 19, 2014 and public comments were originally due on January 12, 2015. In response to public requests, the comment period is being extended until March 13, 2015.
Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Notice of Public Meetings for the Kachess Drought Relief Pumping Plant and Keechelus Reservoir-to-Kachess Reservoir Conveyance, Kittitas and Yakima Counties, Washington
The Bureau of Reclamation and Washington State Department of Ecology have made available for public review and comment the Kachess Drought Relief Pumping Plant and Keechelus Reservoir-to-Kachess Reservoir Conveyance Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Draft EIS describes the potential environmental effects of the No Action Alternative and five action alternatives. The action alternatives examine constructing and operating a pumping plant to access up to 200,000 acre-feet of water in Kachess Reservoir during drought years and conveying it to the Kachess River for irrigation use within the Yakima Project, and constructing and operating a gravity flow tunnel from Keechelus Reservoir to Kachess Reservoir that could convey up to 400 cubic feet of water per second to Kachess Reservoir. The action alternatives include activities to enhance the resiliency of bull trout populations in the Kachess and Keechelus watersheds as well as elsewhere in the Yakima River basin.
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