Bureau of Reclamation August 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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San Luis Drainage Feature Re-evaluation Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Kern, Kings, Merced, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, and Stanislaus Counties, CA
The Bureau of Reclamation is extending the public review and comment period for the Draft EIS to Thursday, September 1, 2005. The notice of availability of the Draft EIS and notice of public hearings was published in the Federal Register on June 2, 2005, (70 FR 32370). The public review period was originally scheduled to end on August 1, 2005.
Central Valley Project Improvement Act, Criteria for Evaluating Water Conservation Plans
To meet the requirements of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act of 1992 (CVPIA) and the Reclamation Reform Act of 1982, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) developed and published the Criteria for Evaluating Water Management Plans (Criteria). Note: For the purpose of this announcement, Water Management Plans are considered the same as Water Conservation Plans (Plans). The CVPIA requires Reclamation to evaluate, and revise if necessary, the Criteria every 3 years. Reclamation is publishing this notice to allow the public to comment on the revised 2005 draft Criteria. Public comment on the revised Criteria is invited at this time. The draft revision is available for review and comment. A copy of the draft revision can be found at the following Web site: https://www.usbr.gov/mp/watershare/ documents/2005DraftCriteria.pdf. A copy of the draft revision can be obtained by contacting persons at the address below. After the review period, if no significant changes are made based on comments from the public, the Criteria will be final. After the Criteria is final, it will be used to evaluate Plans.
Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG), Notice of Meeting
The Adaptive Management Program (AMP) was implemented as a result of the Record of Decision on the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam Final Environmental Impact Statement to comply with consultation requirements of the Grand Canyon Protection Act (Pub. L. 102-575) of 1992. The AMP includes a federal advisory committee (AMWG), a technical work group (TWG), a monitoring and research center, and independent review panels. The AMWG makes recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior concerning Glen Canyon Dam operations and other management actions to protect resources downstream of Glen Canyon Dam consistent with the Grand Canyon Protection Act. The TWG is a subcommittee of the AMWG and provides technical advice and recommendations to the AMWG. Date and Location: The AMWG will conduct the following public meeting: Phoenix, ArizonaAugust 30-31, 2005. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. and conclude at 5 p.m. on the first day and will begin at 8 a.m. and conclude at 1 p.m. on the second day. The meeting will be held at the Arizona Department of Water Resources, 500 N. Third Street, Conference Rooms A&B, Phoenix, Arizona. Agenda: The purpose of the meeting will be to review the Fiscal Year 2005 budget expenditures, approve and recommend the FY06 Draft Budget and Work Plan, receive updates on plans currently in development, and other monitoring and research reports. Other topics of discussion will include Glen Canyon Dam operations and maintenance schedule, status of humpback chub efforts, basin hydrology, public outreach, as well as other administrative and resource issues pertaining to the AMP. Time will be allowed for any individual or organization wishing to make formal oral comments (limited to 5 minutes) at the meeting. To allow full consideration of information by the AMWG members, written notice must be provided to Dennis Kubly, Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Regional Office, 125 South State Street, Room 6107, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84138; telephone (801) 524-3715; faxogram (801) 524-3858; e-mail at dkubly@uc.usbr.gov at least five (5) days prior to the meeting. Any written comments received will be provided to the AMWG and TWG members.
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