Bureau of Reclamation March 29, 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 3 of 3
Public Conduct on Reclamation Lands and Projects; Extension of Expiration Date
In 2002 the Bureau of Reclamation published a final rule governing public conduct on Bureau of Reclamation Lands (the 2002 rule). The 2002 rule will expire on April 17, 2005. We are developing a new rule to replace the 2002 rule, but the new rule will not be finalized by April 17. This rule extends the effective date of the 2002 rule to allow us time to develop and publish the new rule.
Review of Existing Coordinated Long-Range Operating Criteria for Colorado River Reservoirs (Operating Criteria)
The purpose of this action is to provide public notice that the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) has made a number of limited modifications to the text of the Operating Criteria developed pursuant to section 602 of the Colorado River Basin Project Act of 1968. The bases for the changes are: (1) Specific change in Federal law applicable to the Operating Criteria, (2) language in the current text of the Operating Criteria that is outdated, and (3) specific modifications to Article IV(b) of the Operating Criteria that reflect actual operating experience. The review of the Operating Criteria has been conducted through a public review process, including consultation with the seven Colorado River Basin States, tribal representatives, and interested parties and stakeholders.
Closure Order Establishing Prohibitions at Trinity Lake, CA
Purpose of Closure Order: This closure is issued to provide for the protection of Federal property and to ensure public safety at Reclamation facilities. Closure Areas: Under the authority of 43 CFR 423.3(b) the following facilities, lands, and waters are closed to the public: The crest of Trinity Dam and adjacent property, buildings, and facilities under the control of Reclamation. The closure area includes the area from the dam crest to the upstream waterline and 700 feet downstream of Trinity Dam and 700 feet on either side of the entire width of the dam downstream.
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