Bureau of Land Management May 2012 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 34 of 34
Notice of Public Meeting; Central Montana Resource Advisory Council
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Central Montana Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will meet as indicated below.
Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease WYW177172, Wyoming
Under the provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) received a petition for reinstatement from Ridgeland Wyoming Inc. for competitive oil and gas lease WYW177172 for land in Converse County, Wyoming. The petition was filed on time and was accompanied by all the rentals due since the date the lease terminated under the law.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the SunZia Southwest 500 kV Transmission Line Project in New Mexico and Arizona, and Prospective Draft Land Use Plan Amendments
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended (FLPMA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Draft Resource Management Plan (Draft RMP) Amendment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) for the SunZia Southwest Transmission Line Project and by this notice is announcing the opening of the comment period.
Notice of Public Meeting: Northwest California Resource Advisory Council
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Northwest California Resource Advisory Council will meet as indicated below.
Notice of Competitive Coal Lease Sale, Wyoming
Notice is hereby given that certain coal resources in the North Porcupine Coal Tract described below in Campbell County, Wyoming, will be offered for competitive lease by sealed bid in accordance with the provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended.
Notice of Public Meeting, Albuquerque Resource Advisory Council Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Albuquerque District Resource Advisory Council (RAC), will meet as indicated below.
Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed McCoy Solar Energy Project and Possible Land Use Plan Amendment, Riverside County, CA
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Palm Springs/ South Coast Field Office, Palm Springs, California, has prepared a Draft California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan Amendment (PA) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for McCoy Solar, LLC's right-of-way (ROW) application for the McCoy Solar Energy Project (MSEP), and by this notice is announcing the opening of the comment period.
Notice of Availability of the Record of Decision for the Taos Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces the availability of the Record of Decision (ROD)/Approved Resource Management Plan (RMP) for the Taos Field Office located in northern New Mexico. The New Mexico State Director signed the ROD on May 24, 2012, which constitutes the final decision of the BLM and makes the Approved RMP effective immediately.
Notice of Public Meeting, Farmington District Resource Advisory Council Meeting, New Mexico
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Farmington District Resource Advisory Council (RAC), will meet as indicated below.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; Montana
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on June 25, 2012.
Notice of Segregation of Public Lands for the Proposed Hyder Valley Solar Energy Project in Maricopa County, AZ
Pursuant to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regulations, the BLM is segregating approximately 3,399.76 acres of public lands located in the State of Arizona from all forms of appropriation under the public land laws, including the Mining Law of 1872, but not the mineral leasing or mineral materials sales laws, for a period of up to 2 years. This is for the purpose of processing one solar energy right-of-way (ROW) application submitted by Pacific Solar Investments, LLC, to construct and operate the Hyder Valley Solar Energy Project in Maricopa County, Arizona.
Notice of Realty Action: Non-Competitive Direct Sale of Reversionary Interest Recreation and Public Purpose Act Patent, Clark County, NV
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposes to offer one parcel of public land totaling approximately 5 acres in the Las Vegas Valley by non-competitive direct sale to the entity. The purpose of the direct sale is to dispose of certain reservations, conditions, and limitations contained in Patent No. 27-82-0020. The authority for the sale is Section 203 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA).
Notice of Public Meeting; Western Montana Resource Advisory Council
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Western Montana Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will meet as indicated below.
Notice of Filing of Plats
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Colorado State Office is publishing this notice to inform the public of the intent to file the land survey plats listed below, and to afford all affected parties a proper period of time to protest this action, prior to the plat filing.
Notice of Filing of Plats
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Colorado State Office is publishing this notice to inform the public of the filing of the land survey plats listed below.
Eastern States: Filing of Plat of Survey
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM-Eastern States office in Springfield, Virginia, 30 calendar days from the date of publication in the Federal Register.
Notice of Intent To Amend the 1985 Michigan Resource Management Plan and Associated Environmental Assessment, Marquette County, MI
In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Northeastern States Field Office, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, intends to prepare a Resource Management Plan (RMP) amendment with an associated Environmental Assessment (EA) for the State of Michigan. With this notice, the BLM is announcing the beginning of the scoping process to solicit public comments and identify issues for the purpose of amending the RMP to identify the specific parcel of land for disposal through sale and clarify in the EA whether the parcel meets the FLPMA Section 203 sale criteria.
Notice of Proposed Withdrawal Extension and Opportunity for Public Meeting; South Dakota
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service, has filed an application with the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, to extend the duration of Public Land Order (PLO) No. 7174 for an additional 20-year term. PLO No. 7174 withdrew approximately 35 acres of National Forest System lands in the Black Hills National Forest from location and entry under the United States mining laws to protect recreational values and the investment of Federal funds at the Pactola Visitor Information Center, Pactola Marina North, and Pactola Marina South. The withdrawal created by PLO No. 7174 will expire on November 27, 2015, unless extended. This notice also gives the public an opportunity to comment on the proposed withdrawal extension and to request a public meeting.
Notice of Withdrawal Application and Opportunity for Public Meeting; Alaska
The United States Air Force has filed an application with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) requesting that the Secretary of the Interior withdraw approximately 640 acres of public land from settlement, sale, location, and entry under the public land laws, including the United States mining laws, but not from the mineral leasing laws, to protect the United States Air Force King Salmon Station. This notice gives the public an opportunity to comment on the proposed action and to request a public meeting.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Proposed California Desert Conservation Area Plan Amendment for the Haiwee Geothermal Leasing Area in Inyo County, CA
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Draft Proposed California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan Amendment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Haiwee Geothermal Leasing Area (HGLA), Inyo County, California, and by this notice is announcing the opening of the comment period.
Notice of Public Meeting of the Carrizo Plain National Monument Advisory Council
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Carrizo Plain National Monument Advisory Council (MAC) will meet as indicated below.
Filing of Plats of Survey: Oregon/Washington
The plats of survey of the following described lands are scheduled to be officially filed in the Bureau of Land Management Oregon/ Washington State Office, Portland, Oregon, 30 days from the date of this publication.
Notice of Invitation To Participate; Coal Exploration License Application WYW180757, Wyoming
Pursuant to the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended by the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976, and to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regulations, all interested parties are hereby invited to participate with Alpha Coal West, Inc., on a pro rata cost-sharing basis, in its program for the exploration of coal deposits owned by the United States of America in Campbell County, Wyoming.
Notice of Public Meeting: Northeast California Resource Advisory Council
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Northeast California Resource Advisory Council will meet as indicated below.
Renewal of Approved Information Collection
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has submitted an information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to continue the collection of information from owners of surface estates who apply for underlying Federally-owned mineral estates. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) previously approved this information collection activity, and assigned it control number 1004- 0153.
Notice of Public Meeting of the Central California Resource Advisory Council
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Central California Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will meet as indicated below.
Notice of the Establishment of the Ten Mile (Utah) Known Potash Leasing Area (KPLA)
This action establishes the Ten Mile KPLA so the potash resources on these lands will no longer be available for non- competitive leasing and may instead be available through a competitive leasing process. This action does not commit any on-the-ground resources nor does it commit BLM to any future actions except the denial of the prospecting permit applications that now lie within the boundaries of the Ten Mile KPLA.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Mohave County Wind Farm Project, AZ
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 as amended (NEPA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed Mohave County Wind Farm Project and by this notice is announcing the opening of the comment period.
Renewal of Approved Information Collection
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has submitted an information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to continue the collection of information from individuals who want to make a desert land entry to reclaim, irrigate, and cultivate arid and semiarid public lands administered by the BLM in the western States. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) previously approved this information collection activity, and assigned it control number 1004-0004.
Notice of Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Celatom Mine Expansion Project in Harney and Malheur Counties, OR
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Celatom Mine Expansion Project and by this notice is announcing its availability.
Renewal of Approved Information Collection
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has submitted an information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to continue the collection of information from those who wish to assign record title or transfer operating rights in a lease for oil and gas or geothermal resources. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) previously approved this information collection activity, and assigned it control number 1004-0034.
Notice of Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Phoenix Copper Leach Project, Lander County, NV
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Phoenix Copper Leach Project and by this notice is announcing its availability.
Alaska Native Claims Selection
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that the Bureau of Land Management will issue an appealable decision to Chinuruk Incorporated, Successor in Interest to NGTA, Incorporated. The decision approves the surface estate in the lands described below for conveyance pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601, et seq). The subsurface estate in these lands will be conveyed to Calista Corporation when the surface estate is conveyed to Chinuruk Incorporated, Successor in Interest to NGTA, Incorporated. The lands are in the vicinity of Nightmute, Alaska, and are located in:
Alaska Native Claims Selection
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will issue an appealable decision to Chinuruk Incorporated, Successor in Interest to Umkumiute, Limited. The decision approves the surface estate in the lands described below for conveyance pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601, et seq). The subsurface estate in these lands will be conveyed to Calista Corporation when the surface estate is conveyed to Chinuruk Incorporated, Successor in Interest to Umkumiute, Limited. The lands are in the vicinity of Umkumiute, Alaska, and are located in:
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