Bureau of Indian Affairs February 25, 2020 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 3 of 3
Rate Adjustments for Indian Irrigation Projects
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) owns or has an interest in irrigation projects located on or associated with various Indian reservations throughout the United States. We are required to establish irrigation assessment rates to recover the costs to administer, operate, maintain, and rehabilitate these projects. We request your comments on the proposed rate adjustments.
Court of Indian Offenses Serving the Kewa Pueblo (Previously Listed as the Pueblo of Santo Domingo)
This notice follows the action establishing a Court of Indian Offenses (also known as a CFR Court) for the Kewa Pueblo (previously listed as the Pueblo of Santo Domingo). It provides notice that the application of certain sections of the regulations for the Court of Indian Offenses serving the Kewa Pueblo have been waived to allow the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to unilaterally establish a CFR court. It also allows the Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs to appoint a magistrate without the need for confirmation by the Tribal governing body.
Education Contracts Under Johnson-O'Malley Act
Under the Johnson-O'Malley (JOM) Act, the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) provides assistance, through contracts, for Indian students attending public schools and nonsectarian private schools. This rule implements the JOM Act, as amended by the JOM Supplemental Indian Education Program Modernization Act (JOM Modernization Act), to clarify the eligibility requirements for Indian students to receive the benefits of a JOM contract, clarify the funding formula and process to ensure full participation of contracting parties, and to otherwise reconcile and modernize the regulations to comport with the activities of contracting parties under the JOM Modernization Act.
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