Postal Regulatory Commission December 12, 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 3 of 3
Streamlined Negotiated Service Agreement Review and New Postal Product
The Commission is acknowledging a recent Postal Service filing requesting the Commission initiate a rulemaking to conduct advance review of a financial model, minimum rates, and Mail Classification Schedule changes to facilitate streamlined review of eligible negotiated service agreements, and a related request to add a new non-published rates negotiated service agreement product to the Competitive product list. This document invites public comment on the advance review portion of the Postal Service's filing and takes other administrative steps.
New Postal Products
The Commission is noticing a recent Postal Service filing for the Commission's consideration concerning a negotiated service agreement. This notice informs the public of the filing, invites public comment, and takes other administrative steps.
New Postal Products
The Commission is noticing a recent Postal Service filing for the Commission's consideration concerning a negotiated service agreement. This notice informs the public of the filing, invites public comment, and takes other administrative steps.
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