Nuclear Regulatory Commission September 16, 2020 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Columbia Generating Station; Issuance of License Amendment Revising Technical Specification 3.8.7
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approved a request by Energy Northwest (the licensee) for an amendment to Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-21, issued to the licensee for operation of the Columbia Generating Station, located in Benton County, Washington. The amendment adds a one-time extension to the completion time of Technical Specification (TS) 3.8.7, ``Distribution Systems Operating,'' Condition A, from 8 hours to 16 hours, specifically associated with Division 2 alternating current electrical power distribution inoperability caused by inoperability of 120/240-volt power panel E-PP-8AE during repairs on its supply transformer E-TR-8A/ 1.
EnergySolutions Services, Inc.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) received and is considering an application (XW018/02) from EnergySolutions Services, Inc. (ESSI) to amend and renew an existing export license authorizing the export of radioactive waste to Germany. The NRC is providing notice of the opportunity to submit written comments, request a hearing, or a petition for leave to intervene on ESSI's application.
Perma-Fix Northwest Richland, Inc.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) received and is considering issuing an export license (XW027), received from Perma-Fix Northwest Richland, Inc. (PFNW). The request seeks the NRC's approval for an existing license authorizing the export of radioactive waste to Germany. The NRC is providing notice of the opportunity to comment, request a hearing, and petition to intervene on PFNW's application.
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