Nuclear Regulatory Commission July 19, 2017 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC; GE-Hitachi Morris Operation Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
By letter dated February 15, 2017, as supplemented March 9, 2017, and as supplemented June 6, 2017, GE-Hitachi (GEH) submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) a license amendment request (LAR) No. 15, Materials License No. SNM-2500 (LAR 2500-15) for the GEH Facility at Morris, Illinois, in accordance with NRC's regulations. The amendment provides clarification for the storage of liquid and solid waste treatment products. The amendment requested no changes to the technical or regulatory provisions of the license. The application included adequate justification for the proposed changes. The NRC has approved and issued the amendment in its letter dated June 29th, 2017, along with its safety evaluation report.
New ListServ for Waste Incidental to Reprocessing (WIR) Program Documents
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing a notice regarding a process change. The NRC is migrating to a ListServ, to distribute emails with links to publicly-available documents related to the Waste Incidental to Reprocessing (WIR) Program. The current method of using email lists will be discontinued. If a member of the public does not currently receive such NRC emails and they would like to receive those NRC emails in the future, then they need to voluntarily sign-up for the WIR ListServ via a link to the NRC Public Web site. The instructions for signing up for the WIR ListServ are provided in this Federal Register notice.
Strata Energy, Inc.; Ross Uranium In Situ Recovery Facility; Source and Byproduct Materials License
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering an amendment of Source and Byproduct Materials License SUA-1601 to modify a License Condition for the Strata Energy, Inc. (Strata) Ross In Situ Recovery (ISR) Project. Specifically, Strata is requesting that NRC approve modifications to License Condition 11.3 (A) and (B) which pertain to requirements for the minimum density of baseline wells for a wellfield and distance to and spacing of the perimeter wells for a wellfield. The NRC has prepared a final environmental assessment (EA) and finding of no significant impact (FONSI) for this licensing action.
STP Nuclear Operating Company; South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is granting exemptions from certain portions of the acceptance criteria for emergency core cooling, and the general design criteria for emergency core cooling, containment heat removal, and atmosphere cleanup for the use of a risk-informed analysis to evaluate the effects of debris in containment following a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) for the South Texas Project (STP), Units 1 and 2, located in Matagorda County, Texas, Docket Nos. 50-498 and 50-499, respectively. The exemptions are in response to a request dated June 19, 2013, from the STP Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC, the licensee) related to STPNOC's proposed approach to resolve a generic safety concern for pressurized water reactors (PWRs) associated with potential clogging of emergency core cooling and containment spray system strainers during certain design basis events.
Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery for Fiscal Year 2017; Corrections
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published a final rule amending regulations that will become effective August 29, 2017. The fiscal year (FY) 2017 final fee rule, published June 30, 2017, amends the licensing, inspection, special project, and annual fees charged to NRC applicants and licensees. This document corrects the annual fees for fuel facility licensees.
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